Stories of Kindness from Around the World

75 Balloons

--by newdayvow, posted Jul 18, 2014
Some friends and I blew up 75 balloons, wrote nice sayings directly on them or on notes attached to them by string, and passed them out on campus.

Mine said "Happy Unbirthday, any day can be your special day, even today." I gave it to a girl working at the info center, where I assume she is constantly barraged by people asking her for things - directions, keys, etc.

She was very excited to receive something, for once.
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Readers Comments

sandyremillard wrote: Lovely gesture! Keep it rollin'. Foresee lots of blessings in your lives!
jia wrote: :-) nice idea. But i think though baloons have made them smile for a while but try to give them something else like a keychain engraved wid good thoughts or smile. Something that they can keep with them for long time n remember you as a beautiful kind person.
LouiseA wrote: What a lovely idea, a balloon is always cheerful!
brindlegirl wrote: Such an amazing idea! I hope this becomes a regular thing ♡
foetami wrote: That is so sweet! I feel like I have just received a balloon too! ^_^
lightshade11 wrote: You and your friends must have lit up so many people's days with those balloons, thank you for sharing your story and kindness with all of us!
jsmc10 wrote: just the thought of this made me smile :)

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