Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Use the Newspaper!

--by papaya, posted Apr 9, 2007
I recently discovered that the newpaper is a great way to get ideas for random acts of kindness.

You can get inspired from almost every section of the paper- call up someone from the classefieds and support them by giving them a small job to do. Look for new stores or websites to visit. The local news sections are really fun to read- the unique and interesting little local stories about everyday people always make you smile, and might inspire you do to something kind for them or anyone!
1486 Reads

Readers Comments

Babygirl wrote: When it comes to stories like that I've always wanted to find a way to do something for that person I don't know what but when you take action you always seem to have what you need. Great Idea.
Jeniffer wrote: What a great idea!! Good use of everyday resorces to find ways of helping!! Thanks for the idea!!

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