Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Simple Kindness To a Stranger

--by MsJava, posted Apr 18, 2007
Several years ago I started work at a new company. It was close to the Holiday Season and the office drew names for "Secret Santa".  Since I was new, I didn't really know anyone there I had no idea what I was going to get or do for my person.

However, before I really had a chance to think much about it she became very ill and had to take a leave of absence.  I decided to send her a couple of cards and wrote a positive affirmation in each one.  The weeks went on and she was still quite ill; Christmas came and went and she still had not recovered.  I continued to send cards to her home and to the hospital and always included a positive message.

Easter came and she was finally home so I arranged for a few of her "old friends" (they had worked with her for 10-12 years) from the office and myself to take lunch to her house along with an Easter basket of goodies.  She was thrilled to see everyone and we all had a nice visit.  I continued to send her weekly cards and messages; I bought a "Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul" book and invited everyone in the office to sign it for her, sadly, only two people, besides myself, did.  I was shocked!  She had been a well liked and highly thought of person in this company.  I overheard the ladies that had taken her lunch that day complaining because they hadn't gotten a thank you note from her! 

I guess I must say here that this woman was fighting for her life -- she had leukemia.  I could not believe the pettiness of her so called "friends".  I kept sending those weekly cards and messages.  She finally lost her battle and at her funeral I met her husband.  He told me how much those cards and notes meant to both of them and said they called me their "Angel" and that the messages lifted him up as well as her and that she would tape them up either in her hospital room or on the walls at home and what a blessing I had been to them even though we really didn't know each other. 

I was so thankful I had made the effort because when I was doing it, I had no idea how very much it meant to them. 
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Readers Comments

Aurelia wrote: Wow. How wonderful of you to do that. You made such a difference for that family.
brighteyes wrote: MsJava- Your story brought tears to my eyes as I lost a dear co-worker last month. I too, sent her cards and emails and kept in touch though she retired more than 12 years ago and even though I moved out of state. Her husband sent me the most wonderful thank-you afterwards telling me that my emails and cards were always bright spots in her day...such a simple, thought thing to do but many don' thank you for your thoughtfulness and sharing this inspiring story so others will also realize how these type of little things are greatly welcomed and many times make a HUGE difference in the lives of many!! (wink)
writingmomma wrote: I wish more people would remember that we do kindness because we are kind people, and not because we expect a thank you note. Acts of kindness are whole unto themselves, they need no reward.
Samsonmybf wrote: Wow, you really made a huge difference to her and her family!!
sleepytomato wrote: This is a really powerful story! It's true that a lot of times people only do something in hopes of getting something back in return - I'm grateful that there are people like you out there who do things because they know it's right. Thank you :)
sparticus wrote: what you had there was the power to make a change in some ones life, and you did it.
thank you for doing thr right thing

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