Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

--by optimist, posted Apr 24, 2007
I had been having a rough week at school; exams, reports, papers just all seemed to be hitting me all at the same time. My boyfriend knew how much the week had worn me out so when Friday night came, he knew I wasn't up for too much excitement. We ended up just staying in my room talking and such, which was exactly what I needed.

We even made up a game. One would tell the other to draw something, and the other would do so, usually in a very original way. Sure, it may sound a little lame, but to me, it was the happiest I had been all week.

When I was little, I had a video of a Garth Brooks concert that I watched again and again (my mom even made me a guitar out of a tissue box, the cardboard tube from a roll of paper towels, and a few rubber bands).  So as we played our little drawing game, I told my boyfriend to draw a guitar. When he showed me what he had drawn, I was speechless. Of course, it was a tissue box with a paper towel tube stuck in it with some rubber band strings.

It was a really little thing, but remembering something so little that I loved made me so happy. He definitely won our game hands down!
1947 Reads

Readers Comments

DRJOY wrote: Cute and, more like it
Aurelia wrote: Optimist, Your night turned out to be just what you needed. You sound like a match made in heaven. ... Hope the magic continues for years to come. ~Aurelia
robbie wrote: it sounds like you have a wonderful boyfriend. i'm so happy for you.
and that sounds like such a fun game! i'm going to have to try that!
LOVEBUG wrote: You do not sound lame to me, you wound like the have the bases loaded and ready to score happiness.
butterfly wrote: its so magical to feel such happiness in doing something creative and simple. you have an amazing boyfriend.
sleepytomato wrote: That's so SWEET :)

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