Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Denmark the Dog!

--by MOSIE, posted May 4, 2007
I had a brain aneurysm and two strokes several years ago which left me partially sighted but legally blind. The very best part is that I feel so glad to be alive.

I just returned from another state learning for one month to train with my new guide dog.   When we go for walks, it is my decision to let others pet her or not. 

During a beautiful spring walk the other day with Denmark, my dog, I heard some adult voices and kids voices. The adults were saying , "Shh, the dog is working." At the same time I heard the little children whisper, "It's my doggie." I stopped my dog and told the adults (who were the children's parents) that it was fine, that my dog is working but I can let her play too.

The most awesome parts of this story are the parents enthusiasm while talking  and the peels of laughter from the little children:  They were thrilled playing, singing, and talking to my guide and me. The one little girl, Megan, giggled when she said my dog was licking her face!!  It was truly a freeze-frame moment.  They all brought the child out in me as well!

I truly believe these ripples of kindness and joy we share are beautiful.
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Readers Comments

sleepytomato wrote: Laughter really is a wonderful thing and it it is really amazing how you were able to bring that out of these children - you probably made their day as much as they made yours! :)
writingmomma wrote: I love animals too.
Thank you for allowing others to see animals at their best
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi MOSIE

Magic moments a real joy to read, thanks for sharing.

Afriendlysmile :)
AURELIA wrote: Mosie, Isn't it wonderful that you were able to be in tune with your surroundings and know that those children wanted to play with Denmark. It's great for the kids to know they can approach people who are different from themselves...truly awesome of you. ~Aurelia
AURELIA wrote: Mosie, Isn't it wonderful that you were able to be in tune with your surroundings and know that those children wanted to play with Denmark. It's great for the kids to know they can approach people who are different from themselves...truly awesome of you. ~Aurelia
MsJava wrote: Usually, dogs are natural Random Acts of Kindness on four legs!
anneclark wrote: What a beautiful story. Thank you for taking the time to let those children experience something that probably resulted in not only a warm fuzzy but also an educational moment for that family to learn about guide dogs.
trahan1978 wrote: that's great It was funny that yesterday night I was really feeling down and upset about monday night ,because my son was not with me .he's with his father who don't care about him and the courts gave the father custody. I had to go to court monday on his birthday. I got back my parental rights ,because my exhusband just abandoned his new wife after 4 months. I told my lawyer why isn't my son back home ????/ she said we gotta wait. well yesterday night I went to get a beer to watch the redsox game and to catch up on them. the clerk I knew him to be alright .he was a hard working dad who had kids .he asked me if everything was alright I said yeah I am ok I just got over mother's day and my girls they drove me nuts they do that from time to time. he looked shocked ,and asked how can I be a mother I do not look like Iam that old ????? I told him I was born 06/19/1978 .he laughed and said yeah right mamam do you have your Id .I said yes indeed I do and my photos that go with it .I should him my kids and he laughed and said you know I am too a father .my two kids share a room cause they r two boys they fight too .I said yeah my girls fight ,cause they hate sharing the room cause of their toys and their possive of them. we laughed then he said yeah kids r kinda funny that way aren't they ????? I said yes their happy when they see animals they can pet, but trying to sleep at night they sure don't like to when that's their excuse of not going to sleep or being near each other. so yeah it was real funny that parents will talk and have a laugh about how kids really r .

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