Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Generosity While Shopping

--by Bibirose, posted May 7, 2007

A few years back, we were struggling financially having only $25(aus) to do the fortnightly shopping.  This went on for almost 2 years.

Thankfully my husband, Trevor, got a good job & he had the opportunity to be quite generous, especially when it came to the shopping!

One particular day I was shopping & noticed this other shopper being very diligent at what she was doing.  I was behind her at the check out & we started chatting away; she had 5 children at home.  She went to pay her bill but was short & started putting items back.

This was my opportunity to show a little kindness & give her some cash so that she & her children wouldn't have to go without.

She was very thankful, but I think I was smiling for the next month! What a joy it is to show someone a little kindness.

I'm always on the look out to show loving kindness to someone. It costs nothing but the rewards are priceless.

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Readers Comments

writingmomma wrote: Your is the type of kindness stories I like to read about
AURELIA wrote: Bibirose, How wonderful for you to have to opportunity to help someone in need and that you could understand the situation. God Bless you for your kindness. ~Aurelia

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