Stories of Kindness from Around the World

The Back-packer Who Stayed For 12 Months

--by Bibirose, posted May 9, 2007

As my husbandTrevor was coming home on the bus one day, he struck up a conversation with a back-packer who was looking for accomodation; Trevor immediately invited his new found friend to stay with us.  And it was such a delight to have him staty with us for 12 months.  This act of kindness was repaid to us in so many beautiful ways. Eamon if you read this, thanks for everything!

Hospitality is a great way to show kindness not only to friends but to strangers who become friends.

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Readers Comments

FREEhugsROCK wrote: "And this is what the traveller discovers: in this great and endlessly fascinating world of ours, anywhere can be home..."
ADEMI wrote: Your husband has a very open heart even though it coould be risky at time to invite strangers over. That's lovely.
writingmomma wrote: Wow, what a brave thing to do. There are not strangers once they become frends.
bluqtgyrl wrote: That was very generour of you! Strangers are simply friends who haven't met yet.

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