Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Kindness In Grief

--by monabr, posted May 7, 2007

A long time ago, I was a waitress in a pancake house that stayed open til midnight. One evening around 11:30, a couple came in. There was no one else in the restaurant, so I started chatting as I poured the coffee. It turns out that the womans mother was in the hospital and it was only a matter of time before she passed. We talked how hard it was to watch a parent die and how we both hoped that she wouldn't be in pain for too much longer.

She asked if the restaurant would be open the following evening and I assured her that it would and I would be waiting for them with a hot pot of coffee. For 5 more evenings, they retured. I wouldn't let the cook turn off the grill until they showed up. He wasn't happy about it, but after I told him the situation, he relented. I would lock the doors at closing time and just let them relax in peace.

On the final evening, the couple walked in and announced that her mother had passed. We cried together and I listened to her stories. They thanked me for my kindness and we hugged as they left.

I never saw the couple again, but they will always have a place in my memories.  Grief is a personal place. At these times, most people don't need grand gestures, just a cup of coffee, a quiet place and an willing ear.

May you all find such a place when you need it.

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Readers Comments

writingmomma wrote: May someone do the same for you in your time of need. Thanks for sharing. You have a caring heart.
AURELIA wrote: Monabr, How considerate of you. It's hard to think of others, especially at the end of the day when all you want to do is get home to your bed and rest.
I'm sure that couple still remembers and talks about how kind you were to them during such a difficult time...especially on the anniversary of her mom's death. God Bless. ~Aurelia
Mose wrote: Thanks for sharing your story. stories like this make my day. I'm sure we all hope for such kindness in time of need.
brighteyes wrote: "Ditto" to all 3 comments!!!
lovebug wrote: I once saw a interview of a 120yr old woman, when asked her secret to longevity, she replied (it is how you handle your losses)Your kindness may have added years to this couples life
pacots wrote: Wonderful story that woman was sure lucky she had you to make things a little easier. I am sure your favor will be returned some day.
speedi wrote: your careing and kindness will never be forgotten I hope your kindness returns to you tenfold..Bless you
jan wrote: What a beautiful story. I am happy that you were with those people in their time of grief. To be kind to them was what they needed to help sustain them during such a difficult time.
sadiegreen wrote: We need more people like you in the world. It's SO sweet of you to care about your customers so much.
earthling wrote: by giving a space and sharing their grief, you made it that much easier for them. i'll remember this one for a long long time.

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