Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Young Man In Need

--by Babygirl, posted May 17, 2007

This past Saturday while I was at work I had a woman come and ask me when our next sale day was because her family invited a young man into their home who needed help and I told her that it would be this next Sunday and she went on her way.

Even with an extra cashier in the front this woman was in my line to be checked out and as she came to my register I informed her that if she was there the next day that I would bring her some gift certificates, I gave the woman my name and told her to ask for me because most of the time I'm in the back, so they could use them for this young man.

Well Sunday came and even though I made it for our store meeting my manager sent me home because I was sick, so I gave a description of the family who were suppose to be there and asked my manager to give these certificates to them, and she assured me that she would keep her eye out for them. I can only hope they were enough.

I wanted to reach out to this family because I can remember when I was at one time in the same boat, and it was the kindness of a stranger that always stayed with me.

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: Babygirl, Up to your good will again. You are so giving in kindness and also where there is need. Good for You.
lovebug wrote: Babygirl we seem to be united in some small way, I to have found it is the stanger who has given me the most help, is this accident or design, I do not know, nor do I exspect that I will ever know, but I believe I am not a accident, I really try to be silent, but for what ever reason I seem to speak out, loud and clear, we are family, like it or not we have to love each other.
irongrace wrote: Your kindness of an extra gift probably gave the young fellow extra money for the essentials. Thankyou for paying it forward.

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