Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Prayer Gram

--by Jeniffer, posted May 18, 2007

We go to a wonderful church with wonderful people who I love so dearly. We have a lot of faithful ladies who do whatever they can to help you out or just give an inspiring word. One lady who I love so much has been having a hard time lately. I hadn't seen her in a week or so and I decided to send her a prayer gram.

Inside I told her how we always get so caught up helping others that we sometimes forget to pray for ourselves once in a while. And I believe that is the time when God layes you on someone else's heart to remind them to pray for you. I wanted to tell her that I thought of her, said a prayer for her and sent some love her way. I hoped it helped and sent it to her in the mail.

Yesterday at church she came up to me with tears in her eyes telling me how much my card meant to her. She said she was having an especially hard day that day and my card really touched her heart and made her smile, and feel so incredibly loved! She told me it helped her so much. I told her it was my pleasure and she was such a blessing to know that I just wanted her to know that. She gave me a huge hug and told me how much she loved me. I smiled at the thought of making someones day!

At the night service at church last night, right before the preaching, the pastor told us to keep one family in prayer as they were traveling to a funeral. As he said my friends name I remembered the morning and how touched she was at my card. I had no idea she was dealing with a death in the family...and my card came at just the right time to lift her up a little! I'm glad I listened to God telling me to send her something!! You never know how something is going to help someone!!

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Readers Comments

afriendlysmile wrote: Hi Jennifer

So thoughtful of you, your support couldn't have come at a better time.

Afriendlysmile :)
Aurelia wrote: Jeniffer, I am touched by reading you story. I am also inspired. I'm grabbing a card right now to send to someone I know could use a little warmth and kind words. Thanks! ~Aurelia
keepsmiling wrote: It was very nice of you Jennifer..God bless you

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