Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Welcome My Life

--by aogrn, posted May 22, 2007
This past week I had the opportunity to help the man that broke my heart. I had not spoken to him in 16 years.

Our conversation renewed my faith in so many ways, that God brings things about in his own time, that true love never dies but simply changes.

All this time, life was preparing me for the moment when our lives would touch...even so remotely.  And it happened at just the right.

I felt like I really helped him... and I was filled with awesome appreciation for the opportunity to give back to someone who had previously hurt me!
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Readers Comments

mercurialgirl wrote: How beautiful, and healing for you both. God Bless
lovebug wrote: Awsome Aogrn, I work with a segment of society which the average person considers, what would be the word. Fringe I think is the word, but as I listen to their stories, I have come to recognize the power of forgivness, we all have to learn this lesson or we will not survive
ieiblue wrote: hi aogrn...I do hope in god's time.. I may be able to do what you had just done... God bless you... :P

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