Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Not Great, Only Kind

--by lovebug, posted May 25, 2007

This has really been the perfect day, not to hot, not cold, so I decided I would use it to work in my yard.   I love sitting on the earth, pulling weeds  and keeping my little space clean, somewhere in my mind I feel that it comforts the weary souls who pass by . 

Today, two special things happened today that really birghtened my day. 

Since I am getting older now and have slowed down, I decided early what I was going to accomplish today and started out with a lot of energy, but about half way thru my muscles cramped and I decided to stretch out on the lawn for a minute.  Much to my surprise, I heard a voice ask me, "Are you alright?"  A stranger saw me and was concerned.  What a beautiful soul!

I had the wheel barrow with me to put the weeds in and just as I pushing that, a maroon colored car came around the corner and stopped to wave and smile.   As I was completing my work and dumping the last of the weeds, a car stopped and a stranger said, "I want to thank you."  I was really confused.  I had not left my yard all day. What could I have done to gain this gratitude?   He procceeded to tell me that I had taken my hands off of pushing my load of weeds long enough to wave at him and smile at him, and it meant a lot to him.

It is these small things of life.  They really do make a difference to many.  We do not have to be great, only kind. 


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Readers Comments

thaata wrote: It is the small gestures that affect the people most. Thanks to you and your lovely community.
aogrn wrote: I just love it when people stop to chat. I just feel like I was meant to meet that person.
sahar wrote: your story is so good It`s beautiful but my life is so dark
Her Thousands of minutes
In his memories and
Thousands of memories
In his love
Burned in fire
But somewhere
was still desire

she was spending her days in loneness
and Dark nights covered
her grieves

Her Breathe departed this life
That was shady night
Darkness occupied over light
Death embraced her life
Well I don't consider suicide a selfish act even though you do
EePee wrote: What a lovely experience & I THANK YOU for sharing.
Flowers wrote: Wow, thanks for sharing, it really makes me think about every action I take.
speedi wrote: What a wonderful share,,thank you
God Bless
jan2008 wrote: Thak you truly a beautiful story
wings wrote: as the song goes, it's the little things that made me love you so.
AiyaZaynab wrote: What a nice community you live in! Such wonderful people around you. :) God bless the soul of that stranger.
AURELIA wrote: Lovebug, Isn't nice to think that because you took time to smile and wave that he took time to stop and say thanks. Even the concerned neighbor is something you just don't hear of. Everyone is so afraid of getting involved. It feels good to get and about with the nicer weather. I too loved being out walking my little pooch and saying hi to friends I haven't seen in months. Thank God for Sunshine and Smiles.~Aurelia

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