Stories of Kindness from Around the World

You Helped Me

--by myturn, posted May 29, 2007
I know this site is primarily for sharing stories of how we help others, however I have to take this time to say thank you. 

All of you and your stories have not only helped with my depression but it has given me more faith in others. I am in the process of changing careers to the non-for-profit sector, especially focused on children's homes in our local area. I never would have made this change had you not all shown me the world is still a place full of good people.

Hopefully I get this job and can begin to share your stories with the children who have lost their faith in humanity, the way I had before I found this site.  Wish me luck on the job and again from the bottom of my heart I thank those who started this website and all those that are members.

You have truly made an amazing difference in my life and my future. God bless you ALL!
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Readers Comments

Lovebug wrote: Dear Myturn, I will not only wish you luck I will pray for you, In fact I have already asked God to bless you reach out to the children. I myself have been encouraged by those who particpate in this web sight. I am still having a hard time believing I am using this computer and trying to communicate with people I have never met. I am however greatful for your particpation with this group, I think it will help me stand were I have been placed, however small it may be. Children are were it is at, they seen to come into this world with knowledge that has been beaten out of us by humanity.
pacots wrote: I not only wish you luck,I commend you for helping the children out,sometimes a site like this one shows not all the world is bad.
PearlyShells wrote: Good for you! I agree with you about this web site! It's so postive!! May you forever be richly BLESSED!!!!
brighteyes wrote: Myturn: I felt the same way when I first googled into this was under inspirational and I was looking for a worked and now I am addicted to visiting at least once a cool about your new career...I am thinking of retiring early and want to do volunteer work with either children or elderly. Thanks for sharing, thanks for thanking and YOU HAVE A GREAT DAY TODAY!
Babygirl wrote: Myturn, I pray that you will get this position and that the love and grace in your heart will touch the souls of our future, because I've been there and lived it and every positive person that contributes changes the world and our futures for the better.
warmth wrote: Dear Myrutn, Wishing u all the best and hope u enlighten the kids as u r really gifted
ieiblue wrote: Hey... know what?.. one day am gonna fulfill the dream that you are about to do now.. you see.. I got a very promising career in engg but I opted to teach instead...would want to go home and study but for now I need to help my family financially.. anyways... Hang on... we will always be there for you.. God bless you! Big big hug! :P
astrocrazy2005 wrote: I feel we all go through dark times..
But never let go of ur true self..
Because ultimately in ur heart the true self is light and hope...
lots of love:)
Samsonmybf wrote: I think it was meant to be for you to get that job.... :)
Aliennore wrote: God bless you! I think this goes the same as a gratitude from me to YOU GUYS who had come up witha brilliant idea starting this whole organization.May god be with u always

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