Stories of Kindness from Around the World

You Helped Me

--by myturn, posted May 29, 2007
I know this site is primarily for sharing stories of how we help others, however I have to take this time to say thank you. 

All of you and your stories have not only helped with my depression but it has given me more faith in others. I am in the process of changing careers to the non-for-profit sector, especially focused on children's homes in our local area. I never would have made this change had you not all shown me the world is still a place full of good people.

Hopefully I get this job and can begin to share your stories with the children who have lost their faith in humanity, the way I had before I found this site.  Wish me luck on the job and again from the bottom of my heart I thank those who started this website and all those that are members.

You have truly made an amazing difference in my life and my future. God bless you ALL!
3073 Reads

Readers Comments

Kaviraj wrote: God is great, you will surely get the kind of job you want.
Kaviraj wrote: Hi! Myturn,
Congratulations for changing your thinking. You have thought to change your job for a noble cause so please note that you will surely kind of job you want. You can help children to become good citizens, and this would be greatest service of the country. May god keep your spirit of helping children alive?

pandalo wrote: gud luck! hope u get the job.
denim1951 wrote: This website has helped me restore my faith in other people close to me and far away from me. I am more inspired to do small acts of kindness to others more often. I really feel good being a blessing to others even to people I dont know. I have made new friends because of how I treat others in my life. Thank you for this website very much
tesa wrote: I just wanted to second your gratefulness to the tribe. The stories here are truly a massage for the soul!
mafredo wrote: first of all congratulation!so they say changes are as good as holiday is good for people to progress in life my God bless you in everything you do and good luck for the future.
lovebug wrote: It is your turn, we all get a turn. I think you have heard the call, your gift is for children.I don't have to pray for you the receive what you already have, You already have the gift, use it. It ia not the job, it is the gift you have.
jo wrote: well done. you are an angel. keep us posted. thank you.
ieiblue wrote: hey!.. hope you got the job.. i know you will or. or with it already?....

we are here to help one anoher... don't worry.. was like you.. it helped me more than i was even helping others.. but then.. in our own little ways we can make a difference...
Aurelia wrote: Good Luck Myturn. If you get the job, I do hope you share your stories with us. Smile, it's contagious. ~Aurelia

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