Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Second Chance To Be a Parent

--by tonigirl, posted May 30, 2007

On April 28 2001, my youngest sister was killed in a random drive by shooting.  Her 3 youngest sons went to live with my surviving sister but were never happy there; I wanted to gain the gaurdianship options from my sister but didn't want to risk fracturing our family even more.

A couple of weekends ago, though, my sister called and said the boys (17 yrs & 15 yrs) could no longer live with her and that their only options was either foster care or living with me.  There is no way I was going to miss this chance.  Still, my nephews were accustomed to living in the big city and I live in a suburb, 45 minutes from the city and I knew that convincing them was going to take some negotiating.  But I did it.

Today, they have been with me going on two weeks and they are more relaxed.  They even seem happy.

My children are grown and they have left the house.  Personally, I am in the process of a contentious divorce and many of my friends says, "You know it's a lot of responsibility to to be a "psuedo parent"; plus, you are still young and isn't this the time to make your own life?"  They are right, but what greater gift can I have been given, than the opportunity to so deeply serve the life of another?

To be honest, I'm not even sure if the kindness came from me to my nephews or the other way around.

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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: Tonigirl, Sometimes we don't understand God's plan for us. I'm sure you are doing the right thing. I hope your NEW family brings you more joy you thought imagineable. ~Aurelia
warmth wrote: I m glad they r with u. First of all they r calm and they will occupied and help u to be stressfree from ur personal tension.
ADEMI wrote: God's ways are not man's ways obviously. Personally I don't surport divorse but you are in the shoes you know whatz best for you but if I must say anything I'd rather say DON'T. Thank God for your new family, have fun.
ieiblue wrote: Hi toni!.. twas an answered prayer.. that you be diverted to them,, in caring for them.. what a self less act!!! :P hang on! :P
guin wrote: wow.
i dont think youll ever regret this a quote i read sometime back - "you can serve the world,one person at a time." thats what youre doing.
myturn wrote: Changing their lives for the better will change everyone's life they ever come in contact with. This one act is making everyones world better. You are doing the right thing and I thank you for doing it. :)
adityap1984 wrote: so nice of u to sacrifice for them...
unknown wrote: I would have been devistatied if that happened to any of my 5 sisters or 3 brothers. Exactly my youngest sister Taylor.
bibirose wrote: Sometimes showing kindness can be as easy as giving a smile; but sacrifical kindness that blesses more than words could ever express. I pray you & your nephews are enjoying one anothers company & being Family. God bless you in every area of your lives.

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