Stories by tonigirl (3 matches)

My Second Chance To Be a Parent

On April 28 2001, my youngest sister was killed in a random drive by shooting.  Her 3 youngest sons went to live with my surviving sister but were never happy there; I wanted to gain the gaurdianship options from my sister but didn't want to risk fracturing our family even more. A couple of weekends ago, though, my sister called and said the boys (17 yrs & 15 yrs) could no longer live with her and that their only options was either foster care or living with me.  There is no way I was going to miss this chance.  Still, my nephews were accustomed to living in the big city and I live in a suburb, 45 minutes from the city and I knew that convincing them was going to take some negotiating.  But I did it. Today, they have been with me going on two weeks and they are more relaxed.  ... Read Full Story >>

4295 Reads

Power of Forgiveness

About 3 weeks ago, the husband of the woman my husband has been having an affair with for the past 2 years came to my home to let me know about the affair.  This affairs was not the reason I thought we were divorcing, because it was not known to me until 3 weeks ago.  The most hurtful thing to know was that my husband brought this man's wife to our home to fool around in our bed!  This she confessed to her husband so that he would forgive her. My husband and I are separated and in the process of a contentious and painful divorce (at least it is painful for me) and the jagged knife of betrayal continues to rip at my heart, this man was a messenger of God.  He did God's work by freeing me from any hope my husband would come back.  This man is playing a role ... Read Full Story >>

2035 Reads

Everything Can Be A Gift

Back about 4 years ago I started to attend a grief support group.  My sister's husband died in a car accident and a year and a half later she was killed.  It took be about 1 year before I went to get support.  Since then I have become a faciliator of the group.  It doesn't seem like a big deal to me to give in this way, but the people who attend are ever so grateful that someone is there for them and knows what they are going through.

This has inspired me to start a support group that I would facilitate for people who are separated and going through a divorce.  I'm in the process of getting divorced and I attended a divorce support workshop and WOW.  Now I see my divorce as a GIFT.  I want to share the possibilities with others.  The group I am starting is for Spanish speakers, because believe it our not in my California neck of the woods, there isn't anything for these folks.

1746 Reads

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