Stories of Kindness from Around the World

What Goes Around, Comes Around

--by lenrak, posted Jun 2, 2007
I work retail, in a general mixed merchandise store. 

Today a regular customer came in, an older European woman.  She buys masses of cookies, chocolates and sweets that she hands out to neighborhood kids, keeps on hand for unknown visitors etc. 

Well, while I was ringing up her purchases, the man in line behind her caught my attention.  He slyly indicated that I was to ring his t-shirt in with her purchases and then use his credit card to pay the whole lot. 

I did this without saying anything to the woman.  But before the man could leave, I asked if he knew the woman and he said no.

After he left, I explained to the woman that this gentleman had just paid for her purchases.  She stammered out, "Why?  Why would he do that?"   He simply said, "God Bless you" and left the store and left her in tears. 

She had the money she assured me.  I told her I knew that was true.

So unbeknownst to this "random act of kindness" stranger ... he was giving to one that already gives -- what goes around, comes around.

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Readers Comments

Nickgrand wrote: Thank you for shearing!! God bless!
mercurialgirl wrote: I'm going to do that! WOW!! That is soooocool! What a generous gift, what a generous man! Thank you for sharing! I feel like I was there with you.
wings wrote: that was wonderful. i pray that people like him would multiply in this troubled world.
AURELIA wrote: How nice! You were witness to something I'd love to have seen. Thanks for sharing it! ~Aurelia
warmth wrote: Totally Amazing to witness something like this. Who says humanity is dying.
Thank u for sharing
ieiblue wrote: hey lenrak!.. you're fortunate to experience seeing this random act of kindness.. and thanks for sharing it! :P

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