Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Wooden Necklace From A Dollar Store

--by KGrif62758, posted Jun 5, 2007

One day I went to work wearing this wooden necklace and earring set. One of my colleagues commented on the set and asked me if I would get  the same exact set for her.  "Absolutely," I said.

When I went to the store, I thought of another teacher who might like the set too and another who might like a wooden braclet that I saw.  I took the items to work and gave each of them the item, when I saw them individually.

When I presented the item to each of them, they each wanted to know the cost, and I said it was no cost. It was so amazing to see the smile come to each of their faces when I gave them the item. I smiled too, as it made me feel good to see them smile and to have done something good.

I also learned a valuable lesson that value is not always measured  in how expensive or how much or how little you pay for something -- these wooden items were purchased in a super dollar store.

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Readers Comments

treeflowerpuzzle wrote: A great story! Nice of you to think of others. I love shopping and getting gifts for people at the dollar store. Always cheers me up.
loretta wrote: Simplicity can be best! Nice story. Thanks for sharing!
Nickgrand wrote: Thank you for shearing!! God bless!
denim1951 wrote: Thanks for reminding me this kind of gift is special because it comes from the heart and not just from the pocketbook. I went to the dollar store and got some jewerly crafts that i made and gave to friends of mine and they enjoyed it very much.
happyhomemom wrote: How cool of you to share your great deal with your colleagues and ask nothing in return
JuneBug wrote: There were times when I felt bad because I didn't have much money to spend on my grandbabies. I found out quickly that it's not the amount of money, but the time you invest. That's priceless!
katwright375 wrote: Doing something nice for someone can fill you heart with a priceless amount of joy! That by itself is well worth the time and money that you spent!
Gbbenga wrote: God haa shown us the perfect kindness by blessing us with the gift of life.
we must all continue to make a better world by appreciating God with our little gesture of kindness to all those that comes our way.
i love you all!!!!!!!!!!!
Deborah wrote: Hi, I'm Deborah from South Africa. "Giving" something to someone is the most beautiful, fulfilling feeling in the world. I trully believe in passing things around. I'm busy moving so did a cupbaord clean-out and donated all my daughter's toys and clothes that she has outgrown, to the Red Cross Children's hospital - all of the terminally ill children are from very poor families so they loved the barny videos and teddy bears etc. If we all had to do a cupboard clear-out, its amazing to see what we find that we haven't used or worn for ages. There are so many charities out there who desperately need clothes and other items for the poor. Can you imagine the lives we'll touch by doing this every 6 months or so, not to mention the clearing of energy once we've sorted through our cupboards. Find a charity close to you and give it a try - there's no better feeling. Luv Deborah.
speedi wrote: Bless you for your kind and generous heart...makes no difference what a gift costs,,its the thought that matters

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