Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Smile Cards Transform Nigerian Kids!

--by ADEMI, posted Jun 4, 2007

Finally, It was a good wait. After expecting my smile card for a long time and finally got it, the joy I felt overwhelmed me and I guess that openned me to exactly what to use it for.

Where I worship I am a lead teacher in the kids kingdom (the way we call them) and those kids are very special to me. It's a quarterly afair and I was in my last quarter. So I thought to myself after taken this little saints for a whole quarter; teaching, correcting, helping, admonishing and putting them through in life as they grow up to mix with the rest of the world, I thought it wise that since am leaving, let me do something simple but special for them.

And so I designed a certificate of honour to each kid according to their areas of strenghts, bought them pencils, chocolates and the smile cards. O my God, Honestly I have never seen the kids so happy, it was almost embarrasing when they started shouting, running arround and showing their parents what they've got. All of a surden my name became a household song in all of their mouth. Seriously I have never seen children that exited and happy I had to controll my tears because if I shed it I really don't know how to explain that to them because they will me. Some their parents approched me and thanked me. Now for every time this kids sees me they caling my name and still thanking me.

I wish I had more than the smile cards I got but I'm grateful to the group that sent it and for those who God will continue to bless that supported the course. Today as I write the memory is still fresh as though it's still happening, I'm just giving it to them. I realized there is nothing like truely paying it forward. It was like am the one been giving something, I still feel exited myself and these feeling is making me experience another way of finding fulfilment in life. I am grateful I had the opportunity to serve the kids and in my own little way could make the difference in their lives, seeing them happy gladens my heart. Happiness is contegeous, because they are happy I am happy too, I guess their joy affected mine.

Serving the kids is one of the greatest challenges and yet the best place to learn and give. So when children smiles God notices and blesses you immediately because He has a special interest in them.

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Readers Comments

Suzie wrote: The joy of kids is so contagious. I too have given awards for positive traits kids possess, and I know in my heart the joy you got to experience! It's a beautiful thing to give AND to get that joy! How wonderful!
JuneBug wrote: This is one of the best stories I have read yet....How wonderful!!!!
imaniceperson wrote: Kids are the greatest gift on Earth. Your kindness will most likely affect them in a positive way for many moons.
Aurelia wrote: Ademi, I hope the points I shared with you will help you spread more happiness with those children. Let us know how you make out! SMILE, it's contagious. ~Aurelia
irongrace wrote: thankyou for passing on smiles
sleepytomato wrote: It takes an experience like this to let people know that it's not ipods and mercedes that make a life better, but rather the people who dedicate their time and energy and love to you, to help you grow, to help change the world. Thanks for sharing this story :)
warmth wrote: great that u distributed the smile cards. Thank u for spreading happiness.
AURELIA wrote: Ademi, A Smile is worth a thousand words. You created such pleasure with those little ones. I hope you can find more ways to continue creating such JOY. I'm Smiling after reading your story. ~Aurelia

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