Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Mother Daughter Kindness

--by jcdery, posted Oct 17, 2014
My daughter started a new chapter in her schooling today - a distance learning home-school program. 

She was really stressing about it last night and feeling anxious and overwhelmed. So, I helped her work out a first week schedule for herself and this morning I typed her up a schedule for the today, complete with suggested breaks and kindnesses for herself. 

I also called her halfway through the day, just to check on her. It felt good to help her through this new beginning.
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Readers Comments

mel37865 wrote: Thank you for helping her succeed!
madison wrote: Call me on your phone my madison call me at 337-78836-24
wavingatyou wrote: Well done :)
annasmile wrote: How lovely to guide your daughter through this difficult time. She is a very lucky girl to have you : )
jomartin87112 wrote: good for you!

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