Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Compassion Buddy Overseas

--by kylierose16, posted Jul 26, 2007

I have a friend who I was put into contact with through my Narrative Therapist. She is also unwell and under going huge hardships. We live in different countries, and our situations are quite different from one another. But despite this, we find we can connect to each others hearts through a few compassionate words.

Each day, we send each other something to 'lift' one another up. Whether it be the lyrics to an inspirational song, a capturing quote, or just some thoughtful, comforting words.

The impact this has on me is incredible. And it works two ways- the fact that I've made her feel good, makes me feel good inside, and the fact that she's made me feel good, makes her feel good.

I guess I'm trying to say- a compassionate heart is the most priceless thing in the world. And to be compassionate, you do not need to 'know', you need not understand, you need not know their experience. All you need is an out-reached hand and a warm heart and you can connect to anybody.

I used this example of me and this particular friend to illustrate that. And I guess I was also trying to put across, that words from the heart, are the best gift you can give. The effect of those words sometimes will stay with that person for a lifetime. Taking a few minutes each day to send support to some one who needs it, to me, is one of the most rewarding things you can do.

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Readers Comments

Nickgrand wrote: Thank you for shearing!! God bless!
jacqueline wrote: Connecting and being present (even when you are miles apart) is so empowering. You are both making a difference in each others lives.
denim1951 wrote: I have found to do something special for someone else not only sends a blessing to someone but it also blesses you too. I like to smile and say good morning and it is easy and it is special to someone else. To make homemade stencil art or embroidery handkerchiefs for someone is a blessing to and a lot of fun to make too. Its not expensive and you give a little of yourself too.
PamelaJo wrote: what great wisdom you share! "God does not work by only one method, paint in only one color, play in only one key, nor does He make only one star shine onto the earth. -Eberhard Arnold
noname wrote: I really think that that was a cool story. keep making people happy!
Dani Novak wrote: This is so true. When our hearts open the whole universe becomes one and it feels so so good.
hilde wrote: i wish i was as kind as you
ivan wrote: oh my god I guess I couldn't be more inspired by your kind hearted story there even if I tried!! You guys are truly my inspiration which makes me believe that having a long distance relation with someone based on a really strong friendship does take a very compassionate heart and that's exactly what I have been doing myself since the beginning of this year when this gentle african young guy asked me on line one day if I would agree to be his friend and totally took him up for it and continue to this very day;like yourselves we share everything from inspirational songs, pictures,money in his mobile phone, little gifts I bought and sent across to him and he is now the little brother I never had.
I feel so blessed and so be you!!!!!!!!
bluqtgyrl wrote: Wow. That is very touching and I am amazed! This is actually a very good idea. I might even try it out with a friend! Thanks for sharing!
Nitu Hukil wrote: Caring and sharing makes the world a better place.

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