Readers Comments
victop wrote: not only wealth makes friends(gives)poverty can as well offer unforgettable gifts.ooooh!smile and kind speech can as well go a long way.
victop wrote: sincerity of heart matters alot in this case.
victop wrote: warmth and kindness in giving are better than jewel of gold. ur duty can express u better than ur monentary gift.
Aliennore wrote: its not the cash or expansive gift that make up the ultimate gift.But, instead if you put your effort and your heart on it,it will just be the nicest gift of all
afriendlysmile wrote: Hi
Time is one of the most precious gifts we can give,and you most certainly put lots into your present.
Thank you for sharing.
Love and smiles
Time is one of the most precious gifts we can give,and you most certainly put lots into your present.
Thank you for sharing.
Love and smiles
AURELIA wrote: Love went into your gift to her. You both are blessed to be in each others lives. It's so nice that you were able to think of such a wonderful expression of thanks to your nurse. God Bless you and I hope you are better soon. ~Aurelia
brighteyes wrote: Kylie...I was so touching reading your story and feeling the love from the words, effort, love and creativity you expanded and shared for a special birthday gift....the love, the joy and the grace from God is what's most told her without words how much she is loved, how important she is too you and that's the best gift in the world. You have me beaming!!
I designate you my Kindness Hero of the day! (gave you 4 smiles as well)
Mega Smiles from Brighteyes ;)
I designate you my Kindness Hero of the day! (gave you 4 smiles as well)
Mega Smiles from Brighteyes ;)
bhappy wrote: A wonderful gift from the heart and made with so much Love...Those are the best gifts to receive. Have A Sunshine Day!!!
Angel4eva wrote: thats so nice and yes your right to make the perfect gift all it takes determination and dedication
smittyswife wrote: That was every nice of you to do. The old saying is true a gift from the heart is always better than a store bougten one.