Stories of Kindness from Around the World

An Old Habit and Ten Bucks

--by lovebug, posted Aug 3, 2007
As I was sitting outside on the bench in front of the thrift store, a car pulled up and a woman stepped out with donations for our small mission. I got up to help her carry in her gifts.

As I helped her, I noticed two $5.00 bills laying in the street.  You see, it has become a habit of mine to always for trash around my small space because I like things neat and clean.  I think it shows respect for the people who shop at our thrift store.  But as a result, I always look to the ground and that's how I saw the the two five dollar bills.

In a flash, I remembered a yound woman who had went into the beauty shop next door and I remembered her because of her shoes. So I just opened the door and asked if anyone had lost some money.  This yound woman looked down and asked if I had found two $5.00 bills?  Sure enough, she claimed it.

The young woman thanked me and told me it was her lunch money. 

I was really  glad I had this habit of keeping an eye on the ground. :)
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Readers Comments

senga988 wrote: Blessings to you for your kidness and honesty
Lezah wrote: Your honesty will reward you abundantly.
Eric wrote: I love to hear stories like this.
You are a decent person. Best wishes
upwiththesun wrote: Remember a blessing given is a blessing returned. Your honesty and kindness was a blessing. May it return to you in ways you can't even imagine!
Rice wrote: never does a good deed go unnoticed!
Job well done! Be proud!
jan2008 wrote: A very nice story, great that you have such a habit. You were kind and able to give the girl her lunch money. An act of kindness you bestowed.
JuneBug wrote: It is good to be honest!
denim1951 wrote: I found some money the other day and it was in front of the library. I asked inside and a little boy had dropped his money for his school lunches. He would have had to skip lunch this week if no body had found it .
zidlore wrote: Thanks for your honesty! Most of the persons today might just had it inside their own pockets, but you returned it. A great deed!!
smoothsugardoll wrote: what a wonderful feeling to know there are people like you in this world. May God bless you greatly for your kindness.

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