Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Brief Serendipitous Moment

--by snowflake66, posted Aug 2, 2007
A few weekends ago I went to a Christian women's retreat with my church. It was held at Montauk Manor and I received my own smile and kindess as the church women sponsored me so that I  could attend myself.

After breakfast one morning, I went outside to have a cigarette. I saw a woman standing there, a little disheveled, and seemingly upset. I immediately went over to speak to her.

In a flash she was sharing things with me I am sure few even know. For some reason she felt compelled to speak and I compassionately listenened, offering occasional advice and a promise of prayer.

As I  prepared to say goodbye, I put my arms around her and gave her a hug. When I released her she had tears in her eyes and said, "God sent me an angel today." I had my own tears then.

Even if I don't know her name, I still pray for her and think of her often. I want to perpetuate the kindness for such a troubled soul. Just thinking about the bonding of two souls for a brief  serendipitous moment makes me smile. :)
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Readers Comments

EePee wrote: Hi Snowflake66,
THANK YOU for sharing such an inspiring experience. I believe that what you give inconditionally you get back.
AURELIA wrote: Snowflake,What a caring and compassionate person you are. You saw the need to console and listen and acted upon it. Many would say it's None of my BUsiness and walk away. God works in mysterious ways, I'm glad he whispered in your ear that day. Here's a Big Bear Hug for You! ~Aurelia
brighteyes wrote: that you were open and aware and noticed the woman, her need for support and someone to listen....we can all be "Earth Angel" if we listen to the voice within that prompts surely listened and were her angel of the day....loved it, your your story and thanks for the inspiration!
lovebug wrote: I got a retreat, just reading your story, it always amazes me, the way God uses each and everyone of us, to be angels, if only for 1 day
snowflake66 wrote: Thanks all, for your wonderfully inspiring comments, hugs, and suggestions :) I believe we're all angels -- doing good deeds throughout our days -- for me, it keeps me focused on other than myself. That's one of the biggest gifts I feel I receive by doing and giving.

I hope you all have a beautiful day --
snowflake66 :)
Jaya wrote: Such a wonderful story... It is really an inspiration to all our readers.. If i come up with such a moment I am sure that i would go forward to reduce their pain and suffering. You are really very humble and kind.. I appreciate your kindness. Snowflake you are an angel.. and there is no doubt in it.
connector wrote: such friends are rare and they only come in life with a purpose Specifically from God for special reason, watch out the Lord is for your soul.

denim1951 wrote: You cant know any ones circumstances until you hear it from them personally. You cant judge people by how they look cause sometimes they just need a listening ear to help them find hope in their lives and learn that someone cares for them. We cant help everybody but usualy we can help someone. I help people the best i know how, even if its just a address or phone number to a shelter or support group. Just knowing you are making a difference in someones life brings a blessing to you as well.

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