Stories by snowflake66 (5 matches)

A Goal of Kindness, Smiles, and a Slurpee.

Last week I decided I would choose one thing to be kind about and really focus on achieving that goal. That goal was to allow anyone who wished to, go ahead of me -- putting others' needs first before my own, no matter what. And let me tell you, this was not easy. Especially driving :) But true to my word I let others go before myself.  Drivers who needed to merge were, with a smile and a wave, allowed in front of me (much to the distress of the people behind me  -- so I guess I didn't really make their day). In the supermarket I smiled genuinely as I asked the women behind me if they would like to go ahead, getting looks that ranged from sheer astonishment to harried gratitude to those that made me feel they were thinking I was a few sandwiches short of a picnic! But ... Read Full Story >>

5649 Reads

The Day Star Trek Came Alive

When I was about five or so my favorite television show was Star Trek. Dr. Spock was clearly my favorite character and I listened to his advice with great seriousness. When I found out that  he was going to be signing autographs at TSS, I begged my mother to take me. To continue this story, you have to understand a little about my chaotic childhood. With rampant abuse, television, movies, and books were my only escape. I delved into them and  found places, people, and situations  both like my own and not. It gave this little girl hope. It helped to save me from the messiness of growing up in a dysfunctional household. So I hope you can imagine how important meeting "Spock" was to me. When the day came, I couldn't wait to get to the store! I dressed up in my favorite outfit, green of course, and waited, very impatiently, ... Read Full Story >>

4447 Reads

Brief Serendipitous Moment

A few weekends ago I went to a Christian women's retreat with my church. It was held at Montauk Manor and I received my own smile and kindess as the church women sponsored me so that I  could attend myself.

After breakfast one morning, I went outside to have a cigarette. I saw a woman standing there, a little disheveled, and seemingly upset. I immediately went over to speak to her.

In a flash she was sharing things with me I am sure few even know. For some reason she felt compelled to speak and I compassionately listenened, offering occasional advice and a promise of prayer.

As I  prepared to say goodbye, I put my arms around her and gave her a hug. When I released her she had tears in her eyes and said, "God sent me an angel today." I had my own tears then.

Even if I don't know her name, I still pray for her and think of her often. I want to perpetuate the kindness for such a troubled soul. Just thinking about the bonding of two souls for a brief  serendipitous moment makes me smile. :)

2722 Reads

Daniel Hilcke's Bike

This is a story I read that is so touching and warm that I just had to share it with all of you. Hope it makes your day as it has made mine. :) Hello, my name is Daniel Hilcke. One day I was riding home from church, and I saw a young child that was crying; his bicycle had just been run over by a car, and the car had sped away. I remembered the pay it forward idea, and decided to give him my bike, which i just got for ... Read Full Story >>

2209 Reads

Don't Forget Your Digital Camera

On Saturday I took my fiancee to see Weird Al. Knowing that Weird Al would sign autographs afterward, I told my fiancee to bring the digital camera. :)

As we were waiting on line, I was entertaining all the little ones in front of me. The laughter was wonderful and if a little one wanted his mom, I made sure she connected with her child and went in front of me.

Once we got into the tent, I noticed the woman in front of me frantically searching. She had her nine year old son with her (one of the boys I had been joking with earlier) and I asked her if she would like us to take a few pictures for her. She lit up. "I' m from Westchester and I forgot my camera," she said. I gladly took the pictures, emailed them to her, and received a beautiful thank you email in return.

They couldn't have been any happier. It may have cost me nothing, but it was worth so much.

1703 Reads

'snowflake66' Also Commented on These Stories

Walking In the Rain

A Carrot, an Egg or a Coffee Bean?

Pizza Hut Smiles

A Simple Card For a Beautician

Unspoken Contract With A Rickshaw Driver

Love Thy Neighbor

The Day Star Trek Came Alive

An Unusual Birthday Celebration

Bringing Some Love to New York City

Who's Thirsty?

Helping A Child In Need

The Joys of Being a Waitress

Wandering Around an Albuquerque Airport Terminal

87 Year Old Woman Named Rose

The Waffle House Waitress

An Unforgettable Fishing Experience