Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Grocery Store Flower Bouquet

--by treeflowerpuzzle, posted Aug 15, 2007

Many years ago, my husband and I were at a neighborhood grocery store with our two sons.  My elder son has Downs Syndrome and his baby brother was  also diagnosed with mild autism a few years later.

Right as we were passing the floral department, a lady who worked there, handed me a bouquet of flowers.  Unexpectedly.  "These are for you," she said.  "I've been looking for someone to give these to!"   She said she would tell the cashier at the checkout  that they were free.

The gesture brought tears to my eyes. 

My son with Downs Syndrome is now 12 years old and my "baby" is 8.  I draw on this kind incident to give me strength when people have given me rude and even verbally abusive comments, when my children have had problems being in public. 

Receiving those flowers has really made a deep impression on my life.  Thank you, to that kind lady in the floral department that day!

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Readers Comments

treeflowerpuzzle wrote: I hadn't checked this site in awhile but i want to thank everyone who commented on this story. And thank you celebrations kart. It's funny-i had been thinking about this site and hadn't visited in awhile and your comment brought me back here. My kids are teenagers now but i still think about all the moments of kindness form others-and i appreciate them.
Celebrations Kart wrote: Wow! Thank you for sharing.
unknown wrote: These words must sound the drizzle after a parching season for ages ... My dear friend, you have two beautiful children ... you have a complete family ... When your children turn around and plant a kiss on your cheek and tell I love you, they would mean it ... without having to cajole you, cheat you ... It comes from their heart ... This is all I can see my friend (::) May you be immensely blessed my dear ...
treeflowerpuzzle wrote: Thank you, Deeper. My children are really a blessing and I appreciate them so much. You are so kind; blessings to you too.
Nickgrand wrote: Thanks you for shearing and God bless!!
akbj wrote: Your children are special, & that lady saw that you needed someone to notice that. What a wonderful act. Thank you for writing about it.
Joan wrote: reading all these beautiful comments about your letters, shows that there are so many, many kind and loving people around. I have be blessed to have found this thank you so much.
astrocrazy2005 wrote: A small gesture can change our life!!!
jan2008 wrote: Very kind of the lady in the flora shop. She knew you needed something wonderful to happen that day. Avery generous act of kindness on her part.
irongrace wrote: this is what kindness is all about I know what its like to be ridiculed in public. I say thankyou to you for wring your story and Thankyou to the floral lady at the store.

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