Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Simple Card For a Beautician

--by kylierose16, posted Aug 18, 2007
This week I felt I wanted to treat myself to some ‘beautician treatment’. I am house bound, so knew that I’d have to pay for the beautician to travel to our place, but that was okay by me, after all this was a treat.
That day I had an appointment made, and was expecting at least a 2 week wait, but to my surprise, was told she’d be here at 3:30 that same day.

She came by, and spent an hour with me, when she was finished, I handed her $50; $30 for treatment, $20 for petrol and traveling time.

She turned to me, and handed me back the $20 and said ‘don’t worry about the travel’.
I am unable to talk, so was left to convey my gratefulness and appreciation with my eyes and a warm smile.
She politely left, smiling, but I didn’t feel satisfied. Did she really know how grateful I was for that act of kindness she did for me? Was she able to see how touched I was by that gesture? Without words, I thought not.
The next morning, I wrote her a card, writing it in words, and thanking her, and had it delivered to her building.

That afternoon, my carer received a phone call, it was from her, she was so surprised, and touched that I had sent her that card, and wanted to thank me for thanking her.
I guess this simple story, shows how kindness goes back and forth. You give, you receive.
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Readers Comments

afriendlysmile wrote: Hi Kylie
It is so nice to receive a written Thank You card, your beautician will treasure it.
As you say kindness justs on rebounding.
Lovely warm story everyone ends up smiling.
AURELIA wrote: Kylierose! Isn't life grand! She felt good giving to you and you were a gracious reciever!!! I am happy to hear you treated yourself to a beautician beautiful on the outside BUT ALWAYS "BEAUTIFUL ON THE INSIDE! Keep smiling sweetie. Hugs from Aurelia
brighteyes wrote: are a "breath of fresh air". What a kind and thoughtful person you are....your story has kindness "full", receiving, giving back, receiving back...simply wonderful (sigh).

You know I ready recently in a short course on kindness that the receiving (and graciously) is very important and completed the kindness act....always keeps that loving energy in other acts each rippling out...I loved that visualization..I sometimes have a had time receiving (much easier to give) but both are equally important).
Looks like you already learned that lesson.

Got to agree with are a beautiful person inside and out!

Smiles & Blessing from Brighteyes ;)
lovebug wrote: I am so glad I signed in today and read about your beautician it reminded me, I should post a story of my own, about a beautician I know, in fact I might write a letter to congress, maybe we could have a "Honor the beautician day". Her kindness made your day, your thankful heart made her day, so the circle continues. thanks for sharing
Giggles wrote: It appears to me that Kylie got a beautician treatment that went deeper than her skin! And what Kylie did in gratitude... well, this truly a beautiful story :)
speedi wrote: Further proof that what "goes around, comes around!"
Bless you
verny wrote: Thanks for your story, the best thank you's are the ones unspoken at times. I'm sure your eyes said it all. You sound life a really kind and considerate person.
Lezah wrote: There are many wonderful, caring people in this world.
My little girl struggles to talk as well. She gives me messages with her gorgeous eyes and little arms around my neck.
You are special, always remember that!
KirstenKP wrote: That was a nice story. It just shows how contagious kindness really is!

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