Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Mondays With Mom

--by MsJava, posted Aug 31, 2007
I "woke up" about a year ago and realized, at 79, my mother wasn't going to be around forever.

So now, every Monday when I get off work, I drive to her house and we spend the evening together before I drive the 40 minutes home.

We have dinner together, watch TV, knit, I take out her garbage or help her find a misplaced item or whatever she needs. I listen to her tell me the same things she told me last week and the week before or 15 minutes ago, over and over. But, I realize how precious our time together is and I enjoy that she is "chatty" so I try to never discourage her talking by letting on that she is repeating herself (as a couple of my sisters tend to tell her). I hope someone will be as patient and caring with me when I'm her age.

I also call her every morning @ 7:30 to make sure she is up and see how she is feeling.  She lives alone and this gives her a little sense of security knowing someone cares about her and checks on her well-being.  There isn't always a tomorrow for everyone ... let them know you love them TODAY, you won't regret it!
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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: Hello MsJava, I just lost my mother on OCTOBER 23rd. You are so right about spending time with parents. I also had Mondays off and would often drive 2hrs to my mom and dad and enjoy their company. I hope all is well with you and that she is still doing well. Enjoy. God Bless...Miss your comments and stories. :) ~Aurelia
Nickgrand wrote: Thanks you for shearing and God bless!!
denim1951 wrote: That is a very special story to me. It reminds me of the time before my mom died. She used to read to me as a child and when she was really sick I read to her. Its a very special memorie for me
JuneBug wrote: My mom has been on my mind quite a bit. I need to go see her...Thank you for the reminder....I lost my dad a couple of years ago to cancer. I wish I had 10 more minutes with him. I would tell him how much I love and miss him! I know your mom appreciates you....
mama wrote: reading ur letter is an eye opener,nw i realise my mom wont be wit me all of her life. i will try my best to put a smile on her face nw that she here wit me. thanks for ur letter.
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: What a great way to remind us all not to take the people in our life for granted. Thanks!
upwiththesun wrote: I've had that wake-up call myself in the past few months. It is easy to get busy and think there is always tomorrow, but we aren't guaranteed any tomorrows. Think I'll go call my mom right now!
astrocrazy2005 wrote: dats so sweet:)
keke wrote: I totally understand when you say you woke up one day and realized your mother was not going to be around forever. I think about that now that I am older. I try to call my mom everyday. I even moved from FL to NC to be closer to her she lives in SC. Now I am only 2 hours away.
pacots wrote: Good for you, I am so sorry I did not spend more time with my mom.At least now I know she is in a better place.

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