Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Two Conditions For This Gift

--by livid, posted Aug 31, 2007

A couple of weeks ago, I heard that a friend had been diagnosed with cancer. It turns out that he doesn't have long to live. They are hardworking people with two young children -- one is only five weeks old.

Clearly they are devastated, as is their family. A major challenge is the debt they owe as a mortgage on their home. He cannot work, has no insurance and they really don't need the worry of a bank asking for repayments. So I have assisted them anonymously, through my friend.

The conditions are two fold -- they are not to be told who put the money in their bank account and they are to watch the movie "Pay it Forward".

I feel good that I am able to assist them. I hope that if they ever can, they will indeed "pay it forward".

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Readers Comments

Kevin wrote: I applaud your generosity and respect your wish for anonymity. We are launching a new tv show and wouuld like to highlight such benevolence. Would you be so kind to put me in touch with the recipients for a dignified interview? Thank you.
Nickgrand wrote: Thanks you for shearing and God bless!!
bibirose wrote: Your thoughtfulness is immeasurable; bless you heaps for your thoughtfulness.
pacots wrote: God bless you & I am sure he will what a great thing to do.
MJ wrote: Wow this is great! wish there were more like you around.Having money [roblems is tough wnough and to be ill as well is horiffic. Special prayers to that family and you and yours
aogrn wrote: God blessed you to ross their path.
Aurelia wrote: How sad that he is so ill. You a very special to do that for them. It good to know that there are people like you out that will share their money for the good of others and not even care that no ones knows where it came from. :) VEry Unselfish and Kind...THAT's YOU. I'm smiling because you are so giving. ~Aurelia
astrocrazy2005 wrote: good work!!!!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: That is very nice of you and that is a great movie! Thanks for making a difference!

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