Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Finding Angels Among Everyday Life

--by dawnwk1962, posted Aug 30, 2007

When my friend was driving me into the city for a doctors' appointment on the 15th of Aug. this year, we had the truck break down.  While we were sitting there trying to find someone to give us a pull to another friends' place, a car pulled up behind us. And a mother and her 12 year old son got out and ask if they could help.

We said YES and got them to tow our truck to a friends. When we were unhooking the vehicles, the mother asked us how we were going to get home.  As we live north of the city, about an hour away, we told them that we would need to find a ride to the bus depot and catch a bus home.  The mother and her son asked us if they could take us back to my place. We said sure, thinking that we would buy them dinner or pay for gas.

But when we got back to my place, they wouldn't take anything for helping us. Angels among humans. We offered them straight cash and they turned it down. They said all they wanted from us, was a promise we would keep in touch. We exchanged names, phone numbers, addresses and e-mail addresses. And also, the mother wanted a hug and the son shook our hand. That left a lump in my throat about the size of Manitoba.

We still stay in touch and everytime I write to her I get a warm feeling all over me. A peaceful feeling. I don't know what we would have done if they hadn't of came along.

Today, my friend needs a hip replaced, and I have a life-threatening disease.  I knew and believed before, but now my driver knows that there is such a thing as angels.  We will remember each other forever.  Thank you for letting me share my story.  


Dawn   Kischook

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Readers Comments

butterfly wrote: your an angel! thanks for sharing your wonderful story. i feel all warm and fuzzy! xx
mama wrote: kindness attract kindness, if you are good to your neigbour, some day you will reap it. just keep being kind to people that comes your way.
Aurelia wrote: That's so sweet. I love your story. I will pray that you are better soon. And I'm glad that lady taught her son a good lesson on Kindness. Sweet memories. ~Aurelia
JuneBug wrote: Thank you for sharing your story! Yes, I believe there are angels on earth!

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