Stories by DawnWK1962 (2 matches)

Finders Aren't Always Keepers

Today I had an appointment.  When I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed a wallet laying there between 2 parked vehicles. I went over and picked it up and took it straight into the Health Authority offices. I told the receptionist where I had found it and told her that I didn't know whose it was but as the lot is a usual short cut for kids going up town, I figured it was safer in the building. She asked me to watch her look thru it to find a name.  When she found the name, she tracked down the owner. The lady didn't know she had lost it but was surely  relieved to get it back. After my appointment, the receptionist caught me before I left the building and thanked me for bringing it in.  "The lady checked her wallet and found everything where it was supposed to ... Read Full Story >>

2113 Reads

Finding Angels Among Everyday Life

When my friend was driving me into the city for a doctors' appointment on the 15th of Aug. this year, we had the truck break down.  While we were sitting there trying to find someone to give us a pull to another friends' place, a car pulled up behind us. And a mother and her 12 year old son got out and ask if they could help. We said YES and got them to tow our truck to a friends. When we were unhooking the vehicles, the mother asked us how we were going to get home.  As we live north of the city, about an hour away, we told them that we would need to find a ride to the bus depot and catch a bus home.  The mother and her son asked us if they could take us back to my place. We said sure, thinking that we ... Read Full Story >>

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Finders Aren't Always Keepers

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