Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Attitude Not Reward!

--by bibirose, posted Sep 4, 2007

Many moons ago, I was waiting at the bus terminal with less than a $ in my pocket when this gentleman pulled out a wad of $50 notes and dropped them on the floor.

I rushed to pick them up & followed him around the terminal. Finally,  I tapped him on the shoulder and he just turned and stared at me.  So I told him about his dropped cash.  He took it, without even a thank you.

I went back to my seat, kicking myself for returning the money and wondered about all the things I could've done with that money.  But then, I asked myself if I would have enjoyed it -- No Way!

Sometimes we find things and our integrity is tested to the max.  Incidentally, I may have done the right thing by returning the wad of money, but the biggest reward was a committment to my attitude of generosity.

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Readers Comments

babatunde wrote: Hey,
You are one hell of a nice person and i will like to meet someone like you cos your are truthfull and sincere
anastasia wrote: I would have did the same thing.their are good people like you out there.You will be rewarded for your honesty.
EePee wrote: I have found that what I do to others comes back to me. So whatever good you do will come back!
This mindset has changed my life so much!!
AURELIA wrote: Yes it can be aggravating when when don't get the response we expect. But you did the right thing and I'm sure it'll be on his mind...You are Awesome and will be repaid in ways you can't imagine. ~Aurelia
beachbumdana wrote: I agree w/ everyone, but, I also think that possibly, that man may have been shocked. Human behavior can be odd. I'm shure at one point he has acknowledeged in his heart how honest you were. Besides, God & you are aware.
arse wrote: Temptation is always around. We should not succumb to it. May God bless you and thanks...
sasha wrote: That was very kind of you. To return the $ and gave it back to the man although he didn't acknowledge and thank you our Father in Heaven put a star on your crown for your kind deed.
pacots wrote: You did the right thing,even though he was rude,you will be rewarded when you least expect it,God works in mysterious ways.

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