Readers Comments
Amy wrote: Thank you for this reminder. Each evening and each morning my daughter requests a fairytale custom-prepared for her. I love the process of creating something specific for her and recognize it as a great opportunity to nurture her spirit as she grows and uncovers her gifts to share with the world.
denim1951 wrote: Its nice to see people do the simple things like read stories to their children. I always enjoyed reading books to my two sons when they were little. I still enjoy re reading the childrens classics once in awhile myself. I have done babysitting and took books to read to the kids and they loved it very much.
JuneBug wrote: Everything you wrote made so much sense...Thank you!
Lezah wrote: I always wished I could tell my special needs daughter fairytales - but alas, she could never understand them. Good news though, she loves for me to sing her fairytales to her.. I do, in uneven tones as I am not a singer, but she loves me for it and it is SO worthwhile. One of her favourites is Insie Weensie Spider and at the end the 'spider' tickles her and she screams with laughter!! So worthwhile!
jamuna wrote: Absolutely agree. Stories are the building blocks of character.
Linde wrote: I enjoyed this article, and will share it.
lovebug wrote: I have to admit, peronally, I do not like TV, however I have to admit, by being selective about what I do watch, I have gained a little knowledge, Lacking any story tellers in my life to learn from. I started to tell my own stories, from what I have experienced in my own life. I wil never make national news, but I know for some I make a difference, by sharing what has happened to me. I would be in my grave if I would have waited for the story teller.
Craig wrote: Lovebug, I love to hear that you took the initiative and courage to become a storyteller yourself, even though you did not have any models. That's just what I'm hoping more people will do.
senga988 wrote: Thanks for this reminder. I try at least everyday to tell my son and grandson a story. SOmetimes it is a bit difficult, but then off goes the television and they readily begin to listn. It is very important.
laughingheart wrote: Well I was told Bible Stories when I grew up and those kept me quite amused. They interested me a lot and I still to this day am still learning from those same Bible Stories, by reading the Bible myself. But I was first told of them by my older storytellers.. Oh, How I am glad they did tell me of them too.