Stories by Craig Coss (2 matches)

Why Tell Stories Today?

“If you want your children to be bright, tell them fairy tales; if you want them to be brilliant, tell them more fairy tales.” —Albert Einstein Meaningful stories are one of the essential ingredients of any culture. Our minds hunger for a good story from the time we are young. It is as if they hold a wisdom in them that our unconscious needs; tales contain certain nutrients that nurture the depths or the soul of a human being. There are parts of us that cannot mature without stories: in this way, they are food. And there a times when a story will heal a wound faster than any poultice. In this way, they are medicine. Unfortunately, our popular Western culture has gradually stripped the stories from the folk, re-packaged them, and sold them back to the people in a processed form. A family or village storyteller used to be the birthright ... Read Full Story >>

17.0K Reads

An Exercise In Compassion

I sometimes look out of my window with envy at the parade of bicyclists who ride past my apartment each morning on their daily commute into the city. I work from home, and getting exercise outside is not easy for me. Since I moved into this apartment, my bicycle has been in hibernation. I had been longing to get on it, but I have a market almost next door, so I find it difficult getting any riding in. One morning, though, I decided to commute to work just like the cyclists under my window. I planned to bike up the long hill to the bridge and coast back to start my day, a two mile loop. Eager to get out, I filled the rear tire with air, and pushed off into the street. I was so happy to be riding again! Right away, I raced past a bike-commuter, and beat ... Read Full Story >>

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