Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Lessone From a 3-year Old

--by trahan1978, posted Oct 8, 2007
My three year-old got into helping me give out the "smile you've been tagged cards" to everyone she sees. She got people laughing right out loud , even the cashiers and baggers were laughing so hard. All the other workers stopped to laugh too when they read the card. Even other people shopping in the grocery store laughed,saying my daughter was so adorable.

My three year old said "have a nice day" to everyone she handed the card to. That's when everyone that wasn't yet laughing joined in too, making her even more proud and happy. She had even more confidence to make a world a more lovable place.

They thanked her and gave her a handshake , some of the older ladies and gentlemen asked me if they could have a hug from her.  They just wanted to say thank you personally to a beautiful little lady who jsut made their day a lot more better. She even got a couple of people in tears saying nobody has ever been so nice to them.
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Readers Comments

Angel4eva wrote: how sweet of her
Alraisi wrote: Wow, That's nice and you also get my tears out. I love Just kidding. I really say what you and your daughter did was very very very nice and more than that. Specially when you changed someones day or made someone smile and laugh. That's the best thing anyone could do for someone.
Simple Things Make Big Diffirence. Keep It Up...!!!
brighteyes wrote: Children are wonders, aren't they? Definitely gifts from God and filled with light, joy and very special that she was assisting you with RAOKs, smiles and uplifting others.

I would have loved to bump into you both too..share the smiles and laugher.

Give her an extra hug and kiss from me and tell her she is my Kindness Hero of the day ( I read all the stories provided and pick one every day).

Blessings to you both, Smiling Eyes ;)
Flipper wrote: Yes! It is very important to teach kindness to our children when they are very young. Both my children now that they are older are involved in acts of kindness and are always looking for new was to spread kindness!
AURELIA wrote: Trahan, That's wonderful. Good for you to encourage your daughter to be kind. The Cards are definitely bright and cheerful which makes them fun to use. Keep up the good work of teaching your daughter how to be respectful and kind. ~Aurelia

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