Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Smile For Ice Cream

--by HapBee, posted Oct 9, 2007
I received my Smile cards and was looking for a chance to use them.  I was in the Albuquerque airport on my way back to Colorado and decided to get some ice cream.

As I was paying, a young woman came up and placed an order.  I pretended to count my change and generally waste time until the clerk told the woman how much she owed.  I quickly fished out the money, gave it to the clerk, handed the very surprised woman one of my new Smile cards, wished her a good day and left!  The smile on the clerk's face and the confused/changing to surprised face on the woman was so much fun and I hope the Smile card is now out there circulating!
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Readers Comments

katlampi wrote: This is great!!! People are always so rushed and unhappy when they are in airports, so it is nice that you could put someone's day on the right track! Congratulations on a job well done!
Flowers wrote: That's fun. Good on you :)
akbj wrote: You know,I have received my cards, & am looking for ways to use them. You're story made me smile & gave me ideas. Good for you. Quick thinking:)
smoothsugardoll wrote: I love these stories. keep them coming. They always cheer me up.
denim1951 wrote: You are a blessing for sure. I have been giving out smile cards to a lot of people around me from time to time. In fact I will have to order a bunch of cards on my next pay day. I ran out the other day.
JuneBug wrote: That was quick thinking on your part! Great good! Keep it up!
Tigerlily wrote: That is so COOL! (no pun intended... ok... only a little one.) ;)
Angel4eva wrote: i wish i had some
AURELIA wrote: Good Move! Isn't it fun to spread such simple happiness to others. The pleasure we get from doing this is awesome, isn't it. Keep up the good work. ~Aurelia

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