Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Smile For Ice Cream

--by HapBee, posted Oct 9, 2007
I received my Smile cards and was looking for a chance to use them.  I was in the Albuquerque airport on my way back to Colorado and decided to get some ice cream.

As I was paying, a young woman came up and placed an order.  I pretended to count my change and generally waste time until the clerk told the woman how much she owed.  I quickly fished out the money, gave it to the clerk, handed the very surprised woman one of my new Smile cards, wished her a good day and left!  The smile on the clerk's face and the confused/changing to surprised face on the woman was so much fun and I hope the Smile card is now out there circulating!
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Readers Comments

AURELIA wrote: Good Move! Isn't it fun to spread such simple happiness to others. The pleasure we get from doing this is awesome, isn't it. Keep up the good work. ~Aurelia
bhappy wrote: I'm smiling for ice cream!!! I bet that ice cream tasted more delicious because of your kind act. God Bless, Becki
makesomeonesmile wrote: Way to go! I like the "stalling counting change" technique and might have to borrow that one!
Angel4eva wrote: i wish i had some
JuneBug wrote: That was quick thinking on your part! Great good! Keep it up!
Tigerlily wrote: That is so COOL! (no pun intended... ok... only a little one.) ;)
Flowers wrote: That's fun. Good on you :)
akbj wrote: You know,I have received my cards, & am looking for ways to use them. You're story made me smile & gave me ideas. Good for you. Quick thinking:)
smoothsugardoll wrote: I love these stories. keep them coming. They always cheer me up.

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