Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Goal of Kindness, Smiles, and a Slurpee.

--by snowflake66, posted Oct 10, 2007
Last week I decided I would choose one thing to be kind about and really focus on achieving that goal. That goal was to allow anyone who wished to, go ahead of me -- putting others' needs first before my own, no matter what.

And let me tell you, this was not easy. Especially driving :) But true to my word I let others go before myself.  Drivers who needed to merge were, with a smile and a wave, allowed in front of me (much to the distress of the people behind me  -- so I guess I didn't really make their day).

In the supermarket I smiled genuinely as I asked the women behind me if they would like to go ahead, getting looks that ranged from sheer astonishment to harried gratitude to those that made me feel they were thinking I was a few sandwiches short of a picnic! But still I persisted.

And no, it was not easy. Yes, I know, I said that already! But it wasn't. But you know what it was? An epiphany. Each and every small courtesy brought some reaction, mostly positive and mostly grateful. I was thanked, hugged, smiled at more times than I can count, and even 'bought' a small Slurpee by a woman I opened the door for at 7-11. It was amazing, educational, frustrating, and beautiful. To me, it is what gives life meaning :)
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Readers Comments

hobo wrote: A rock thrown into the pond of life. The ripples gracefully flow to the ends of the pond and the end of life.

Thank you for your comment to my post. Feel free to use any or all of what I put out there.
AURELIA wrote: Good For You. I'm sure the people you helped out by letting them ahead of you have learned a good lesson. I hope they will pay it foward. Your enthusiasm is commendable. ~Aurelia
brighteyes wrote: Snow....the kindness revolution prevails and we're winning with every act and thought and kindness.....hoorah for you and for us all....Smiling Eyes ;)
snowhite1675 wrote: SO so true. Keep on doing your best
Angel4eva wrote: i'm glad to hear you achieved your goal!!
babynurse wrote: Very good, I know it was hard, but you did it!yea!!!!!
tfash wrote: i commend your courage and perseverance.u were able to persist despite denying yourself so as to please other.i appreciate your gesture
akbj wrote: The kinds of acts you did were some of the hardest day to day things that one can do. Letting someone into traffic ahead of you can make their day, I know that because people do it for me sometimes, & it keeps me smiling for quite awhile, & keeps me aware of trying to pass it on, which isn't that easy when one is in a hurry. & letting people into line ahead of you is another example of a simple courtesy, but hard to remember when in a hurry. Bless you, & I hope that I remember your acts as I go about my day, & try to do the same.
Norman wrote: A candle certainly loses nothing by lighting another candle.
vishalsalian wrote: Wow, that's so nice of you :-)

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