Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Love "Seen"

--by PamelaJo, posted Oct 12, 2007

I had a friend that every time you walked in her door for a visit, her greeting was "Hi Honey".  She had a way of saying it by dragging it out as she said it, that made me feel like she was so glad to see me.  We met several years ago when her husband was admitted to our Hospice program.  I got in on that admission as I was on call the Saturday he was admitted.  We hit it off right away, and my friendship with her continued even after her husband died.

We visited together once or twice a week, never for very long, but always with sincere joy in one another's presence.  She had told me that when she got ready for Hospice care, she would let me know and we could admit her.  Sure enough, one day she told me it was time.  We continued to have visits together as she slowly declined in health.  We talked about many things, and she would give me chocolate as I would bring her spinach and sardines.  I know, not exactly an equal trade but it was what she had asked me to do- seems she found great comfort in eating those two things when nothing else was tasting good. 

One particular day as my friend was beginning to decline physically, I felt the need to say aloud to her that I loved her.  (Credit Dr Ira Byock's book- The Four Things That Matter Most). Her reply to me sticks with me even to this day....She said- "I know you love me, you have shown me you love me by everything you have done for me; you have not only told me, you have shown me and that makes all the difference"

May those you love know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you do. It makes all the difference.

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Readers Comments

parsaakbar wrote: Hi PamelaJo,

I have tears in my eyes, and smile on my lips, tears for your friends whose heath is declining, I am praying for her can you pass her my message ask her to close her eyes when it really pains and thx god who has made everything u me sky water heavens and ask god to forgive if she did anything wrong intentionally and unintentionally and give her healthy live so that she and us can do good deeds in this world. and tell her that her friend living in india is praying for her. I have a smile for you that you took care of your friend and fellow human being. You deserve to be gifted. thx for sharing such a sweet story of you life. It will always be with me.

Keep smiling:)
Angel4eva wrote: i am crying that story is so sad
pumpedup90 wrote: What great and true love you showed. True and inspiring love is a rare sight these days, we all need somebody to love but more importantly we all need to be loved especially at critical times like that. May God bless you you my brother.
lovebug wrote: You brought out a point, I find myself pondering, or wondering about. If those I love do not know, how will I beable to show them? It is a mystery.
smoothsugardoll wrote: yes it does we should all show and say it more often. It would be sad not to get the chance.
Nkechi wrote: You are reaaly a friend in deed. It pays to let the people close to us to feel and know how much we love them even in the face of difficulties, when it seems as if the world has forsaken them.
jojomcb wrote: this is what friendship is all about being there in good times and bad and
showing the love in your heart. bless you.
Merv wrote: Thank you, bless you for being you.
Thank you, bless you for being a friend.
It's tough to watch friends die and especially tough to pray for the best, even when the best is to let them go.

There's always hugs here...
JuneBug wrote: You made your friend's last days so wonderful...God puts us in places of life that we never would have thought....It's so cool that you two had each other...God bless you!
denim1951 wrote: Your story was very special. It brought a tear to my eyes. I will always remember this forever.
God bless you today and always

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