Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Simple Wave, Many Years Ago

--by loretta, posted Nov 5, 2007

Last Christmas I was given a great gift.

As I checked out at a local Walgreen's pharmacy, the teen cashier asked me, "Are you Mrs. Peres?"   With a curious smile, I replied, "Yes."  Then he asked me, "Do you remember me?"  Being the joker I am, I looked at his tag and replied, "You're Josh."   This young man's face brightened up with such a smile that I had to tell him the truth -- I did not remember him.

He continued to tell me that when he was about 5 years old he would sit with my daughter on the school bus.  With a pause, he added, "You were the only person that waved at me each and everyday."

The minute he said that my heart sank and filled at the same time.

At first, I felt so very sad and wondered if his childhood was not a good one that a simple wave made his day. Then I filled with tears at the thought that that simple wave made him feel good and stayed with him all this time.

I was sooooo happy to be me at that moment and it was truly the best gift I received last year.

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Readers Comments

katlampi wrote: The fact that he remembered you many years later, knew your name, and reminesced about your act of kindness truly says a lot about the impact you had! Thank you for sharing this with us!
ferron wrote: just to show how effective a wave can do to a child from such a tender age.bless you.
Tribbie wrote: Thanx for yo inspiring experience there are a lot of thingz we take for granted in life. People will alwayz remember us by our good works. thanks sister
Flowers wrote: Such a simple thing that could make a child feel very special! Makes you think!
reena wrote: Keep it up nice story, I love your story thank you very much I like very much to hear other people experience.

speedi wrote: is it not amazing the things kids remember and just out of the blue they bring back a memory long forgotten but when brought back makes our day..
Thanks for sharing..Bless you
smoothsugardoll wrote: a small gesture can mean the world to a child. My mothers friend use to always tell her to let us kids stay in the room while they were talking she said "any thing they should'nt hear we should'nt say. how very true that is.
sweetviolet wrote: isn't it amazing how the little things DO make a difference
pskenned wrote: I loved this story! I work at a school and I hope I have impacted a student or two in some way like you did that little boy. You never know!
Norman wrote: You certainly left a mark in him when he was at that tender age. Thanks for sharing and reminding us in the process that its the little things that count most and we have it within us the power to make a difference in somebody else's life.

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