Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Simple Wave, Many Years Ago

--by loretta, posted Nov 5, 2007

Last Christmas I was given a great gift.

As I checked out at a local Walgreen's pharmacy, the teen cashier asked me, "Are you Mrs. Peres?"   With a curious smile, I replied, "Yes."  Then he asked me, "Do you remember me?"  Being the joker I am, I looked at his tag and replied, "You're Josh."   This young man's face brightened up with such a smile that I had to tell him the truth -- I did not remember him.

He continued to tell me that when he was about 5 years old he would sit with my daughter on the school bus.  With a pause, he added, "You were the only person that waved at me each and everyday."

The minute he said that my heart sank and filled at the same time.

At first, I felt so very sad and wondered if his childhood was not a good one that a simple wave made his day. Then I filled with tears at the thought that that simple wave made him feel good and stayed with him all this time.

I was sooooo happy to be me at that moment and it was truly the best gift I received last year.

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Readers Comments

keymaker wrote: What a great story, Loretta! So many times we feel that we "things" to give, but the best gifts in life are often the most simple gestures of the human heart. Thank you for sharing.
JuneBug wrote: Your story touched my heart...That you for writing it....
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Thanks for sharing. The simplest things can mean the world to someone. This is a great reminder that we should not forget that, thanks!
christine wrote: i loved your story.ithink it was the best out of all the other stories i read.
Julissa wrote: this story is a happy story and i realy realy like this story it is the best of them all
lillaura wrote: What a touching story. It is truely amazing how the littlest,even accidently things can help brighten someones life!
jojomcb wrote: what a wonderful story. thanks for sharing.......a memory of a lifetime.
Lovebug wrote: I once had fresh flowers delivered to me, because I stood on one corner and waved at everyone who passed by my little corner. I was overwelmed at the time, such a small thing, made a difference. Am I happy with who I am? Yes I am
keshavarao wrote: little things some times we feel, but these are little greater things.wonderful expiernce,thankyou for sharing,which one is inspiring.
sawan wrote: It's a great feeling for those who are giving the love and those who are receiving it. A simple hi and a bit of small talk with you local supermarket cashier makes all the difference to both your days.

Thank you for writing what we all feel good about. :-D

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