Stories by loretta (6 matches)

A Simple Wave, Many Years Ago

Last Christmas I was given a great gift.

As I checked out at a local Walgreen's pharmacy, the teen cashier asked me, "Are you Mrs. Peres?"   With a curious smile, I replied, "Yes."  Then he asked me, "Do you remember me?"  Being the joker I am, I looked at his tag and replied, "You're Josh."   This young man's face brightened up with such a smile that I had to tell him the truth -- I did not remember him.

He continued to tell me that when he was about 5 years old he would sit with my daughter on the school bus.  With a pause, he added, "You were the only person that waved at me each and everyday."

The minute he said that my heart sank and filled at the same time.

At first, I felt so very sad and wondered if his childhood was not a good one that a simple wave made his day. Then I filled with tears at the thought that that simple wave made him feel good and stayed with him all this time.

I was sooooo happy to be me at that moment and it was truly the best gift I received last year.

6680 Reads

Where's The Jelly?

I just came in from the grocery store. I only needed one item but the woman in line before me had spent more than the money she had in her hand.  As she checked out her 2-3 packed bags, she asked the cashier to put the jelly back so she would have enough money to cover the bill. As she paid, I looked at her and told her I was going to buy that jelly for her. She said, "Oh no, you don't have to. I just didn't grab enough money when I left my home." I looked at her and happily said, "That's okay.  Perhaps you could return the favor to someone else."  Caught up in the spirit of generosity, she tried to offer me something else until she landed upon an idea -- "Can I give you some of my "Turkey points?"   At this store, they give you Turkey ... Read Full Story >>

6139 Reads

The Neighborhood Flower Lady

When I was an at-home mom, there were times I wished I could buy some beautiful flowers, but money spent there was needed in the home. I remember when walking into town with the family, as we often did  when we didn't have a car, my youngest daughter would always carry sticks when we walked. One of her many nicknames as a toddler was Stick Girl. One day when passing the Flower Lady with Stick Girl, The Flower Lady smiled at her and said, "Come here, I have something for you." She handed my daughter a beautiful long stemmed flower. My daughter dropped that stick and carried that flower from Grant Circle to the Boulevard and back home. We placed it in water and enjoyed the beauty of that flower along with the feelings of warmth and kindness from the Flower Lady. Folks in our neighborhood would just run to her ... Read Full Story >>

3749 Reads

Reading Your Smile Stories!

I have gone through 7 pages of stories and will be able to leave today for work with a smile on my face.

I have read stories that had no comments and made it a point to leave a comment to let those folks know that their stories have been read.

In reading those stories I will go out into my world and use some of their suggestions and stories to set a good example of kindness today.

Thanks to all of you that are part of this site!!!!

3448 Reads

Ride For A Mom and Two Kids

I was at the checkout of a local store last night, when I noticed a mother and her two beautiful daughters.  The mother was dressed in sweat pants and a simple tee shirt with kind of run down sneakers, and the girls had pretty summer dresses on with cute sandals.  Along with some cleaning items for the home, the mother had bought some clothes, games and some sweet treats for her daughters. She had so much in her hands to carry out and asked the girls to help her. They both said no. What surprised me was that the mother was so calm. She never said, "Look what I bought you and you won't help?" Instead, she was saying, "Oh my gosh, I didn't realize how much I bought." You could tell as soon as she headed out the door that the bags would burst open and spill all over the ... Read Full Story >>

2405 Reads

D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S Crab Meat!

Each week I’m at the Farmer’s Market manning a table. Typically, I have to make sure I have cash in hand to buy my goods.  And recently, I’ve been on a smoked  salmon kick and just about each week I buy a small package of it to satisfy the palette. Last week, just as I was going to pick up my treat, a man came up next to me and asked how much the crab meat roll was. The fellows working told him it was $4.00. He looked at me and asked,  “Have you ever had one of these from here?” My reply was, “No.” He  said they were, “D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!” I smiled at him and proceeded   to pay for my fish. Just as the worker placed my change in my hand  the crab roll guy bumped my arm and said, “Here, this is for you!” I looked at him with my mouth ... Read Full Story >>

2044 Reads

'loretta' Also Commented on These Stories

An Unsuspecting Restaurant Table

Wooden Necklace From A Dollar Store

Gypsy Girl On a German Bus

In The Middle of Nowhere

My Friend, Howie

Father and Son Getting Home

Oprah's 24 Acts of Kindness

Late Night Dinner With Scott, Maia and the Host

The Best Dollar I Ever Spent

Teaching Kindness, Staying Kind