Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Ride For A Mom and Two Kids

--by loretta, posted Nov 15, 2007
I was at the checkout of a local store last night, when I noticed a mother and her two beautiful daughters.  The mother was dressed in sweat pants and a simple tee shirt with kind of run down sneakers, and the girls had pretty summer dresses on with cute sandals.  Along with some cleaning items for the home, the mother had bought some clothes, games and some sweet treats for her daughters.

She had so much in her hands to carry out and asked the girls to help her. They both said no. What surprised me was that the mother was so calm. She never said, "Look what I bought you and you won't help?" Instead, she was saying, "Oh my gosh, I didn't realize how much I bought." You could tell as soon as she headed out the door that the bags would burst open and spill all over the sidewalk.

I looked at her and said, "Where do you live?" As I said this I realized it didn't matter how far she lived, she needed a ride! I asked her if I could give her a ride home and she accepted. We chatted a bit and she was such a kind soft hearted woman. My hope was that there was someone in her life that was also taking care of her at times to make her feel good about herself.

I drove the rest of the way back home with a big smile on my face.
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Readers Comments

wayfarer wrote: How sad that those girls think helping is someone else's job. What a lot they will miss out on!
FearOfTheDark wrote: You are a kind soul.
jojomcb wrote: maybe her daughters will recognize that a perfect stranger was willing to help out and that maybe they need to step up to help their mom. a valuable lesson regarding random acts of kindness maybe just what the doctor ordered. God bless you.
dancingDog wrote: loretta, what a great example you were to her daughters also. We all need to help each other and I hope her girls will eventually see that. Thank you for seeing and fulfilling the needs around you!
harry wrote: good job you have done a deed which her daughters didn't . good example for her daughters. nice to meet a person like you who are very aware of the surrondings and very quick to help others
JuneBug wrote: Loretta, hopefully her daughters learned something from you...That was so nice of you reguardless!
Angel4eva wrote: Thats wonderful its always nice to brighten someones day and the smiles you get say it all

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