Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Free Babysitting And Stamps

--by megs, posted Nov 24, 2007

Last week a dear friend of mine needed to pick up her son early from his babysitter.  She called me to see if I could watch him for a few hours while she finished up working. 

So I picked him up and watched him for a couple of hours.  My son's the same age, so they had a blast!! 

When my friend came to pick up her son, I handed her a smile card with a handful of postage stamps.  I told her that there was no need to pay me.

This seemed like a small gesture to me, but she was in tears as she gave me a  big hug!!

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Readers Comments

Nickgrand wrote: Thanks for shearing and God bless!!
AURELIA wrote: Good for you Meg for being such a supportive friend. We all should be so lucky to have a friend like you. Thanks for helping her out. ~Aurelia
Angel4eva wrote: Your wonderful Meg to do that for free and that he had a great timeits wonderful that you must have brightened up your friends day

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