Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Oh, That Is So Refreshing!

--by linde246, posted Nov 25, 2007

It was a very hot, late August day when I took my 8 year old grand daughter out to lunch at a beautiful, fancy restaurant, because she enjoyed feeling like a princess. 

As we sat out on the lovely deck with many other diners around us, she reached out to point to the flowers on the table and accidentally tipped my ice water glass into my lap. 

She gasped, her eyes grew large, the people at the next table peered to see my reaction.  I simply smiled and said, "Oh, that is so refreshing."

We can make a split second decision to have a different-than-expected reaction to happenings that, in their smallness, make the world a better place and teach our children at the same time.

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Readers Comments

Perla wrote: Miss diane: once again, thank you for sharing your fun experience on that nice summer day. I smile every time i think about it.
Norman wrote: Lovely lesson to all of us and especially to the kid. I'm sure that will be forever edged in her memory and the reaction was definately awesome. Thanks for the lesson.
sara wrote: Thanks dear. I pray that i get this kind of wisdom and use it every day!
brighteyes wrote: LOVED the story, your sentiments and that wonderful RAOK that you showed your grand daughter and others sitted around your table...this type of story motivates us to think before responding and use positive vs negative a little forethought had a huge image and created a happy ending!
irongrace wrote: thankyou for turning something negative into something positive
myfbil wrote: How wonderful that you could make that quick response. What a great example not only for your granddaughter but for those around you!
keshavarao wrote: really wonderful act of kindness by forgiving children unknowing mistakes what is great is making it to simple fun expierence
Amanda4384 wrote: Grandma's are the best!!! :)
speedi wrote: what a wonderful Grandmother you are,,your granddaugther is so lucky to have someone so loving giving and caring in her life..Bless you both..
SmilingAngel wrote: Children are so precious. It does my heart good to know how gentle you were with your granddaughter. An unkind word or two could have been disastrous. Thank you for letting your love and kindness win out.

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