Stories of Kindness from Around the World

My Neighbor Athena

--by aogrn, posted Dec 3, 2007

As neighborhoods go children come and grow ... some leave some stay.

A new neighbor is always call for speculation..

Me .. I always look to see if they have kids toys.  If they do its just a matter of time when I will meet them.

Newest amongst our neighbors is Athena!  She's a real delight!  Single handedly, she seems to have brought our neighborhood alive.  She has one child and she has managed to get other parents to open doors and let their kids out.  Our neighborhood once again is it was when I was a kid and everyone had 4-5 kids.

So today, I appreciate ... my neighbor Athena.

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Readers Comments

Alraisi wrote: You live in a nice neighborhood. You should Take care of it also. All of you should do the same thing should Make it alove no matter she is there or no. You should all learn something from her which makes the neighborhood alive always. Keep It Up...!!!
harry wrote: it's very nice that you have got a nice neighbour.LOVE THY OTHERS ASTHOUGH URSELF

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