Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Nice Tip at McDonalds!

--by megs, posted Dec 11, 2007

Last week, I decided to visit our local McDonald's where my friend works. 

That day, in particular, she seemed to be having a really difficult time, so after she finished taking my order, and I received my food, I decided to give her a $5.00 tip (with a smile card of course!). 

The smile, on her face told me that she would have no problems making it through her shift!!  Just thinking about her smile for the rest of the day made things a little easier for me too!

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Readers Comments

doug wrote: Thanks for sharing. Here's a quote that comes to mind when I read of an act of kindness such as yours:
"The true measure of a man is how he treats someone who can do him absolutely no good."
- Samuel Johnson (1709-1784)
AURELIA wrote: Hey MEgs, Good for you! Sometimes we really do need to be recognized with a little extra...what a nice thing you did for her. ~Aurelia
tenderheart wrote: precious. it was so sweet of you to do that. many hugs for u.:)

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