Stories of Kindness from Around the World

Coffee and Kindness

--by peekabooboop, posted Feb 21, 2015

I went into a coff​ee shop for coffee and a bagel. I noticed the woman in front of me ordered coffee and a bagel and asked how much it cost and then said just coffee please.

I thought about it after I sat down and went over to the woman and gave her some money and asked her to get what she wanted. She got it and gave me the extra money back with a note saying she was a massage therapist and she wanted me to call her for a free message.

She said she hoped I called her because she wanted to see me again and that I had made her day. She made my day too.
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Readers Comments

sandyremillar wrote: Beautiful. You know that you changed the world with just that gesture? All your wonderful energy irradiating towards the lady, being sensed by surrounding people, her reaction and the beautiful link established made that change. Our mother earth is proud of you. And so am i!
brindlegirl wrote: I love this! I love how this demonstrates to us all how kindness creates kindness! Blessed you both were that day. I sense a friendship in the making ♥
Sundi wrote: Beautiful!

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