Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Sketch of California Raisins?!?

--by daisies, posted Dec 19, 2007

I recently received a message via Facebook:

"You won't remember me...  I went to Sutton public, grades 4 & 5.  You gave me a drawing of yours of one of the California Raisins.  Anyway, I had moved around a lot growing up, ie. I was usually the odd kid out.  What you did, was something really nice that I always remembered.  Thanks."

Wow.  I felt so warm and fuzzy inside when I read that and was so so satisfied to know that my simple random act of kindness was carried throughout this boy's life. (By the way, I didn't remember him but I surely remember the drawing!)

Children are so incredibly kindhearted but it often goes  unnoticed because they have no egotistical need to have it noticed. Kids rock!

And I'm very very glad that he chose to contact me and tell me about it.  It's inspiring to hear it after all these years! 

It feels like a "hug a stranger" day today. :)  Thanks for letting me share!

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Readers Comments

katlampi wrote: Ohh this is so very sweet! You are absolutely right about kids and their unnoticed acts of kindness. Wish people in general were more like that! :)
siggy wrote: kinda proves what goea around comes around! GOD Bless!
lmil1954 wrote: Thanks for your's very sweet. And it's wonderful to know that what you did so many years ago has returned to you in the form of a blessing. Hugs to you, LindaM
brighteyes wrote: You know that email floating around that says somewhere someone loves you, someone is thinking about you, someone thinks you are wonderful, etc well "your someone" just happened to email you and cool is that???? ;)
lOVEBUG wrote: Kids do indeed ROCK,if we could keep up with their beat, none of us would feel old
cabbage wrote: What an awesome story! That is so neat that he could contact you and let you know how your kindness helped. It is hard being "the new kid".
Hugs to you! :-)
Tikit wrote: I agree with Aurelia. Technology makes it possible for us to share smiles and kindness all over the world today. What a neat story!
JuneBug wrote: That is such a nice story! Goes to show ya our ''little nothings'' may be ''big somethings'' to someone else!
AURELIA wrote: That's incredible! All of those years and he was able to contact you! Technology rocks too. I guess you've always had a kind heart...even when you were a young'n...ha ha ha ~Aurelia

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