Readers Comments
AURELIA wrote: What a great thing you did...easy and perfect at the same time. Good for you. :) ~Aurelia
kelley wrote: awwww! that is so sweet! that is also a great idea! :)
akbj wrote: What a perfect thing to do. I can only imagine being in that persons place, and how I would have felt. Incredible. It would have made my day. What a terrific, yet simple thing.
babynurse wrote: It's just amazes me that even the little things we do can bring a smile to someone's face. I'm sure she thought you where a angel. God bless.
brighteyes wrote: Better keeps some extra water and goodies because you never know you will need them or when a kindness opportunity will arise...better keep some smile cards in car as well.
cabbage wrote: In the summertime I always have extra bottles of water in the car, so whenever I see a homeless person on a street corner I have something to give them that they could really use.
I bet that traffic director was smiling all day! :-)
I bet that traffic director was smiling all day! :-)
siggy wrote: made your day huh!!!good for you!!
katlampi wrote: What a sweet thing to do!! I love these unexpected opportunities to reach out and help others! Thank you for sharing this! Yay for traffic directors (we had one at my former school also!)
alenamore wrote: i love how the simplest things in life we do can make someone happy.