Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Cold Drink, a Hot Day, and a Great Smile!

--by megs, posted Dec 21, 2007

At my son's school, the traffic is so hectic,  they have a traffic director to help the parents get in and out of the school parking area safely. 

Last week, I noticed how hot is was outside when I went to pick up my son.  The traffic director was sweating!!  It just so happened that I had packed an extra bottle of cold water before going to pick up my son.

As I handed the bottle of water out of the window to the traffic director (along with a smile card of course), the look on her face was absolutely priceless!!  I kept looking back in my rear view mirror as I drove away, and as long as I could see her, she was still smiling!  : )

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Readers Comments

cabbage wrote: In the summertime I always have extra bottles of water in the car, so whenever I see a homeless person on a street corner I have something to give them that they could really use.
I bet that traffic director was smiling all day! :-)
brighteyes wrote: Better keeps some extra water and goodies because you never know you will need them or when a kindness opportunity will arise...better keep some smile cards in car as well.
siggy wrote: made your day huh!!!good for you!!
katlampi wrote: What a sweet thing to do!! I love these unexpected opportunities to reach out and help others! Thank you for sharing this! Yay for traffic directors (we had one at my former school also!)
alenamore wrote: i love how the simplest things in life we do can make someone happy.
jessi wrote: just a glass of water can mean so much to one person.
clemsongirl000 wrote: What a sweet person you are and so thoughtful too!! It's such a good feeling to make someone smile, and I know you had that feeling as you drove off. Great Job!
gwboocat wrote: This sounds like something that's very "do-able" for us as we live in Phoenix, AZ. I can't wait to try this out! Thanks!
AURELIA wrote: What a great thing you did...easy and perfect at the same time. Good for you. :) ~Aurelia

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