Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Bakery Box on the Counter

--by lhatton, posted Dec 23, 2007

I have always loved our local library and every couple weeks, I've started to stop by on my lunch break. 

As the weather has gotten colder I have noticed that the library is more crowded during the day and not smelling very pleasant.  It seems that the library is a popular place for our local homeless to gather to get out of the bad weather.  I am glad that there is a warm safe place for people to get out of the bad weather, but I also wonder what it is like for the librarians who work there every day.

Recently, on the way back from a business meeting, I stopped at a bakery and picked up my favorite treat -- a Napoleon. I love the bakery's Napoleons and was looking forward to enjoying the treat when I got back to my office.  That day, I also stopped by the library to get a book and as I was walking to the library, I was again thinking about the librarians again and how difficult it must be for them to deal with the unruly teenagers and large crowds of homeless.

I dropped off a book and quickly picked out another.  As I was checking out my book, I set the bakery box on the counter and the librarian teased, “Oh, you brought us a treat”. 

Immediately, I wiped out a Smile Card and placed it on the box as I slid it towards her and said, “Why yes I did”.  With a surprised look, she replied, “You can’t be serious”.  I just smiled and left. 

I know there was enough there for more than one person to enjoy (although I was gluttonously going to eat the whole thing myself!) so I hope it brought some comfort to a few of the librarians. 

It felt so right that I walked out and went next door to get a gift card to hand out the next time I'm in the library.  And I got myself a scone too. :)

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Readers Comments

rastamunki wrote: Nice. Looking forward to seeing you at the library i work
cabbage wrote: I think it was VERY nice and thoughtful of you to give that pastry to that hard working librarian.
cinnamonhead wrote: That was a great story and will motivate me to do the same, for I am a baker!
diane wrote: I love this story. I work in the library and I read the story and I can identify with it.Actually I am having a bad day right now . This story made my day! God Bless You!!!
smoothsugardoll wrote: you are a very cool person GOD bless!!!!
nflowers1228 wrote: what a great story! I'm sure you brought a lot of joy to everyone in the library even if they didn't get any of the treat, but just shared the story with others.
warmth wrote: :) great presence of mind. Keep up the good work and thank you for sharing such a sweet story. Have a great day
ecochic wrote: What a lovely story- wel done for your fast thinking :)
lOVEBUG wrote: I am always amazed when I read the stories on this web site. I will remember your unique and generous spirit the next time I visit the library.
smiles33 wrote: The fact that you past on your treat without hesitation shows that the generosity and kindness in your heart is genuine. God bless you and the beautiful people you gave to.

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