Stories by lhatton (3 matches)

A Bakery Box on the Counter

I have always loved our local library and every couple weeks, I've started to stop by on my lunch break.  As the weather has gotten colder I have noticed that the library is more crowded during the day and not smelling very pleasant.  It seems that the library is a popular place for our local homeless to gather to get out of the bad weather.  I am glad that there is a warm safe place for people to get out of the bad weather, but I also wonder what it is like for the librarians who work there every day. Recently, on the way back from a business meeting, I stopped at a bakery and picked up my favorite treat -- a Napoleon. I love the bakery's Napoleons and was looking forward to enjoying the treat when I got back to my office.  That day, I also stopped by the library ... Read Full Story >>

4916 Reads

Nothing Works? Improvise!

I can laugh at this today. Hopefully it will give you a chuckle too. Yesterday I was getting ready to go to a support group that I attend once a week. I have recently gotten into the habit of picking up $5 gift cards at a local coffee shop, putting a Smile Card in the envelope with the gift card and slipping it into somebody's purse or pocket while at the meeting. While I was getting ready to leave for the meeting I started looking for a Smile Card. I checked some of my pockets several times because I just could not believe that I did not have a single Smile Card!!! Finally I decided I had to leave because I still had to pick up a gift card before the meeting. I decided to stop at Starbucks ... Read Full Story >>

1830 Reads

A cup of generosity

I just found out about this website recently and I have been reading many wonderful stories and ideas of ways to brighten someone's day.

Today I was driving to the grocery store to pick up some items and I had a terrible headache and decided to stop for coffee thinking that maybe some caffeine would help.

Funny thing is this drive-through coffee place is about two blocks from my house and I had never gone there before. While waiting in the drive-through I remembered the stories I had read about paying for the person behind you. So, when the cashier handed me my coffee I asked if I could pay for the person behind me. "I guess you can," he said, and then asked if I knew the person. When I said I didn't, he looked baffled.

But then the coolest thing happened. One of the other workers said, "she passes on the cheer Brad." Another worker shouted, "Way to go!" and several others started cheering "yes." I never got to see the reaction of the person in the car behind me, but the reaction of the people working in the coffee shop totally made my day.

1472 Reads

'lhatton' Also Commented on These Stories

Comforts Of Home

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A Terrible Ex In Need

Dont Worry Be Happy

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Saying Grace In A Restaurant

Proper Attire For A Stranger

The Empty Seat Next to Mine

Shopping Cart Outside A Car Door

An Unsuspecting Restaurant Table

For the Man Who Hated Christmas

A Rainy Day At The Carwash

The Best Dollar I Ever Spent