Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Slice Of Love In the Supermarket Aisle

--by bigbird, posted Jan 22, 2008

I was working in a supermarket promoting a new variety of bread.  My job was to hand out slices of bread; it was very monotonous and at times very hard to keep motivated saying the same thing over and over again.

So I decided to change it up, and alter my perspective on the situation.  With a piece of bread in my hand, I started to say, "Would you like to try a slice of love?  And I'm also giving away free hugs today."

And so I started hugging complete strangers, as they passed by my aisle.

The reactions of the people absolutely blew me away!  An older lady said she had not been hugged in two years.  I was so moved by our brief conversation that I decided that I'm always going to be ever-ready to share my hugs freely – you just never know who might need them!
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Readers Comments

JuneBug wrote: This is such a nice story! Warm hugs to you,bigbird!
MakeSomeoneSmile wrote: Thanks for choosing to make a difference bigbird!
tryingtolove wrote: Thank you..........every now and then we all need a little hug...:)
imsojimmy wrote: This is a really important thing to do. I hadn't really thought of it before, but I guess you don't really need a big card to give out free hugs. Thanks for the reminder. And, keep up the good work.
happyncheerful wrote: Generally this world is suffering a huge drought when it comes to displaying affection. Thanks for reminding us that we all need to do more.
cabbage wrote: Bless you! What a heartwarming story....and how lucky for all the customers. :-)
Keep those hugs coming!
brighteyes wrote: BigBird...I loved your story and your creative mind to come up with a "slice of love" plus free hugs....the gift of love, of touch, of kindness, or oneness is so very important especially in our troubled world. I had a good friend who did healing treatments and massage and she told me she had several clients that had not been touched, or hugged for many years and was one reason they were drawn to massage sessions ...they craved the human touch.

God Bless you for listening to your heart and sharing your wonderful light and love with all you came around....

Look forward to reading other stories from you....HUGS & SMILES from Brighteyes
Rose wrote: You're an angel sent from heaven! Keep up the good work... God Bless...
lOVEBUG wrote: What a great idea, nothing like a human touch to heal the spirit, heal the spirit, and the mind will be healed, heal the mind and body becomes healthy. God bless your healing hands.
JuneBug wrote: Wow! I can't imagine what it must feel like not to have been hugged in two years! I am glad you were there!

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