Stories of Kindness from Around the World

A Slice Of Love In the Supermarket Aisle

--by bigbird, posted Jan 22, 2008

I was working in a supermarket promoting a new variety of bread.  My job was to hand out slices of bread; it was very monotonous and at times very hard to keep motivated saying the same thing over and over again.

So I decided to change it up, and alter my perspective on the situation.  With a piece of bread in my hand, I started to say, "Would you like to try a slice of love?  And I'm also giving away free hugs today."

And so I started hugging complete strangers, as they passed by my aisle.

The reactions of the people absolutely blew me away!  An older lady said she had not been hugged in two years.  I was so moved by our brief conversation that I decided that I'm always going to be ever-ready to share my hugs freely – you just never know who might need them!
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Readers Comments

heather wrote: What a nice gesture you had done in there? Surely your customers will really go for that bread you're selling.
God bless you, sweet!
gipsysoul wrote: Very big-hearted of you bigbird! : ) I would go to the supermarket more often if I was greeted that way! I usually shop at small locally-owned stores because they tend to be much friendlier! I think you would really enjoy the 5 minute video on Karma Tube "Johnny The Bagger" Enjoy!
joyjoy wrote: WOW!!!!what a difference an attitude adjustmetn can make---we all take simple things for granted imagine no hugs for two years! what a gift you gave to many that day !! Thanks
speedi wrote: man what a great idea..thanks for sharing
MisteMay wrote: Yes, yes and yes. My theory to life as well they say it takes a minimum of 10 hugs a day to keep us healthy and I sure use it as a good exucuse to get hugs throughtout ones day.
nisha wrote: Your act must have energized the whole place. Nice!
jojomcb wrote: hugs are my very favorite things in the world. my oldest son comes to visit and knows he cannot leave without giving me a hug. it is the very best.
suzanne wrote: i love hugs.. a real bear hug..but the person has to mean it..nothing worse than giving someone a hug who you feel would rather run a mile rather than hug you back!!
akbj wrote: Wow, in thinking how I would react to a person doing what you were doing, I would be a delighted customer. What a gift you have to share.
perseverance wrote: lovely thoughts off beat but highly innovative to get out of the rut and make your life interesting thanks

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